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Dancing shadows
Another old piccu, this time of our lovely Calis. If you remember, all these bandages covering her body are shadows that they control at their will, used mostly when there is no light to create new shadows.

The Numtians and the Devas pray each morning to their gods, letting their tikel sombrem to move freely, letting it take as much sun as they can. The tikel requires at least a degree of “will” to be effective.

Oh, and Calis IS NOT AN ANGEL!!
citb copy.jpg citb copy.jpg valentin copy.jpg valentin copy.jpg Dancing_Shadows_by_dan_heron.jpg Dancing_Shadows_by_dan_heron.jpg anihik.jpg anihik.jpg Turn_the_heat_on_by_dan_heron.jpg Turn_the_heat_on_by_dan_heron.jpg
File information
Album name:dan heron / dan heron
Rating (7 votes):
Keywords:calis numtian dan
File Size:174 KB
Date added:Mar 11, 2006
Dimensions:554 x 852 pixels
Displayed:686 times
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