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link.jpg1919 viewsLink holding sword and shield.
link1.jpg1732 viewsDifferent version of above image.
linkback.gif870 viewsLink walking away.
linkback.jpg1079 viewsBetter version of above.
linkback2.gif955 viewsAbove, with transparent background.
linkback3.gif1322 viewsAbove, with transparent background and no shadow.
linkbeamsword.jpg1592 viewsLink shooting a beam from his sword.
linkboomerang.jpg1653 viewsLink throwing his boomerang at an Octorok.
linkbushes.jpg1198 viewsLink going through some bushes.
linkcandle.jpg1668 viewsLink holding a candle.
linkcrouched.gif1868 viewsAbove, with transparent background.
linkcrouched.jpg2149 viewsLink crouched, with sword and shield ready (from included map).
linkpondering.jpg1398 viewsLink sitting cross-legged, thinking.
linkpotion.jpg1750 viewsLink drinking some blue potion.
linktrapped.jpg1564 viewsLink attacked by two Traps.
linktreasure.jpg1243 viewsLink opening a treasure chest.
linktriforce.gif1495 viewsLink holding one of the eight pieces of the Triforce of Wisdom.
linkwondering.jpg1225 viewsLink wondering what to do next.