Last comments - Twilight Princess |
wiiTPBossDefeatedGM.midBoss Victory1950 viewsIron Knuckle03/28/10 at 21:44starfgh/zelda: I cried both times when I beat the game and Midna ...
ztp_Agitha_s_Castle.midAgitha's Castle1559 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 13:34myzeldamyrules: Agitha creeps me out. I mean, who, exactly, would ...
zoratheme.midZora theme1707 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 13:32myzeldamyrules: Ahhh, Rutela...poor Ralis...or whatever his name i...
Zelda_TP_Boss3-7_pt2.midBoss Morpheel1846 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 13:31myzeldamyrules: Good grief, I remember when I was so chicken that ...
Zelda_TP_Boss1-4_pt1.midBoss Diababa1784 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 13:30myzeldamyrules: Heeyah! Heh heh... *game over music* Aw, dang it!
zelda_opening_monologue.midPrologue1702 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 13:29myzeldamyrules: yes, I do. In my little world and imagination, I...
zeldatp_intro.midTitle Screen1744 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 13:28myzeldamyrules: huh? I don't quite remember.... I mean... oh y...
wiiTPBossDefeatedGM.midBoss Victory1950 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 13:27myzeldamyrules: Victory dance! Happy time! haha! Take that, boss! ...
wiiEnemy_Fight.midFighting an enemy1510 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 13:26myzeldamyrules: I agree with both of you. and now, when I play Wii...
wiiEnemy_Defend.midEnemy1820 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 13:24myzeldamyrules: haha! This music got so annoying after a while...a...
twilight.midTwilight at hand...1909 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 02:04myzeldamyrules:'s different than in the game, but co...
tp_secret_village3.midSecret Village1930 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 02:04myzeldamyrules: *gallops on Epona with Link* haha! Bulbins!
TP_-_Talking_to_Impaz.midConversation with Impaz1609 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 02:01myzeldamyrules: I agree, FaerieEpona. But in my little world, I...
midnas_desperate_hour.midDesperate hour2320 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 01:59myzeldamyrules: I thought Midna was a goner until my sis gave it a...
ilias_theme.midIlia's theme2030 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 01:54myzeldamyrules: Oh yeah, my papa's running dogs had some pups ...
Fairyquestlog.midQuest Log1694 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 01:51myzeldamyrules: I got one word, cool but annoying. Oh wait, that i...
Faron_Woods.midFaron Woods1897 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 01:50myzeldamyrules: Ahh...soooo peaceful...happy times, happy times. *...
B1L_minishcap_darkhyrulecastle.midDark Hyrule Castle2112 viewsIron Knuckle08/11/09 at 01:49myzeldamyrules: I don't remember this, and I've finished t...