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Last comments - dan heron's Gallery
Explorar.jpgDesert Dancer Malon1026 viewsYou know? I think I may start uploading my sketches here in the scraps, I tend to doodle a lot during classes XD That's bad, boys and girl, you shouldn't do it! The Dan is a registered professional, so he has license to do things he isn't supposed to do during classes, always remember that.

And well, just like the title says, Desert Dancer, Malon. Yes, Malon! Our sweet ranch girl is part Gerudo, and like any of her desert sisters, well, she's a warrior at heart. She doesn't uses the typical twin scimitars of the Gerudos, she prefers claws, like Link's. Her lovely and sensual dance hides deadly movement that she uses to finish her enemies in a blink.
Here we can see her with her Gerudo outfit, I'm not very sure of what to change to it, but I'm sure I'm gonna change something.

As you can see, Mal is very different from Ari. The red has bigger breast, round hips, longer hair, and is very feminine, everything Ari wants in a girl X)
16 commentsdan heron08/11/10 at 23:16myzeldamyrules: I love it! P.S. Too late. I already doodle in clas...
epona.jpgEpona923 viewsThat's right! I thought, "Hey, if my Human characters are becoming anthros, why wouldn't an animal become an anthro too?"
Epona is a lovely girl adopted by Talon (Malon's father), and she currently works in the ranch. Pretty tough girl with a heart of gold. She and Mal get along really well, and "lil" Epona loves to hang around with Link. She has feelings for him, but they aren't love. The girl knows he's already with Aliku, and she has no wishes of becoming dead meat at the hands of a psycho Sygel ^-^;;
Oh, and if her eyes look weird, that's because I gave her horse pupils. They aren't like ours, they are horizontal, so now you know.
4 commentsdan heron08/11/10 at 23:15myzeldamyrules: Awwwwww!!! How cute!!! I love Epona both ways ...
kom~0.jpgIt didn't wither this time982 viewsWell, we all know Medli and Komali are made the one for the other X3 I think this is one of the cutest couples Nintendo has officially made in the Legend of Zelda series. In fact, I think it’s one out of five or so; the only other couples I can remember of are:
Mikau/Lulu, Anju/Kafei and Nayru and Ralph (I’m not really sure they were a couple, though).
In my fic, Komali is after Medli’s heart too, but the young assistant isn’t very sure of loving at the Rito boy. I mean, yeah, he’s rich, charming, clever and many more things, but he also as a reputation of casanova in Hyrule’s University. Still, as you can see, Medli finally accepts. You can imagine how hard it was for poor Komali, just look at him how exhausted he is XD
I think you can imagine where the title comes from ^^
5 commentsdan heron06/12/09 at 21:59Alyssa Aledia: cute
phikari copy.jpg
phikari copy.jpgShe's ok1681 viewsThis pic is a gift for my friend Pata Hikari from ffnet. This is a scene from one of the final chapters.
The Gerudo is Kasuto and the one in the Sheika outfit is Zelda, no Sheik (although, she can change from Zelda to Sheik with a simple spell that really turns her into a Sheika boy, both physical and mentally). Kasuto kicked the badguy's butt and litherally sent him into oblivion but due to the extrem effort she put to use her magic she fainted.

She's ok, just very tired so Zelda takes her to the castle to take care of her X3
18 commentsdan heron04/18/09 at 21:48Alyssa Aledia: your good
dizi and pyro.jpg
dizi and pyro.jpglike ice and fire... or something1267 viewsAnother, old (ancient, really) pic of mine.

Anyway, this was my part of the trade with a girl from Deviant Art
She wanted me to draw her character Pyro doing something with fire. Since I had no idea what to do I decided to put one of my OC with her. Pyro is very sexy and very strong looking, so I decided to put there the only character that could match with her: Dizi

So, in the left, we have at Dizi, expert using ice; and in the right, Pyro, whom you can guess loves fire.

Pyro (C) chibibichi
Dizi (C) ME!!! >D
15 commentsdan heron03/28/09 at 20:07angel of light: I love this art ^^ congratulation
link sketch copy.jpg
link sketch copy.jpgLink rough sketch1597 viewsThe lastest reincarnation of the original Hero, 10 millenia after Ocarina of Time.
He's a mestizo of Hylian, Gerudo, Sheika and Ayike. He has two siblings, Ari and Kado.
He uses two swords to fight and mixes many different spells.
He's also a balam, or soul devourer
14 commentsdan heron11/18/08 at 01:59Princess of Twilight: This is really good...I luv it!
anni copy.jpg
anni copy.jpgTrade with Malon Aniku3446 viewsThis pic is for my good friend Malon Aniku.
This is a scene in the libray in the Spilled Goblet.

Anni: You don't have to kick him to wake him up.
Tetra: K! I won't kick him... "devilish chuckles"
Link: "wimpers in dreams"
Anni: Sounds like a little puppy, don't ya think?
Tetra: Hee... yeup.
Link: "in dreams -I know Tetra's around here"

I hope you like it Anni!
44 commentsdan heron09/21/08 at 01:20Princess of Twilight: This pic is AMAZING!!! I luv how u drew Tetra,...
kom~0.jpgIt didn't wither this time982 viewsWell, we all know Medli and Komali are made the one for the other X3 I think this is one of the cutest couples Nintendo has officially made in the Legend of Zelda series. In fact, I think it’s one out of five or so; the only other couples I can remember of are:
Mikau/Lulu, Anju/Kafei and Nayru and Ralph (I’m not really sure they were a couple, though).
In my fic, Komali is after Medli’s heart too, but the young assistant isn’t very sure of loving at the Rito boy. I mean, yeah, he’s rich, charming, clever and many more things, but he also as a reputation of casanova in Hyrule’s University. Still, as you can see, Medli finally accepts. You can imagine how hard it was for poor Komali, just look at him how exhausted he is XD
I think you can imagine where the title comes from ^^
5 commentsdan heron01/24/08 at 18:26FaerieEpona: Supreme Cuteness!!!!!!!!!!!! I just simply love it...
3_of_a_kind_by_dan_heron.jpg3 of a kind526 viewsCarid, Aliku and Hikagi form a group that works independently of the rest of the Quetzals. They are into spy stuff and are good at it. Although, they also enjoy bashing skulls and kicking major ass every now and then X3

And look at them, they are so chibi!!!!! XO

“head explodes”

“picks up pieces of head”

“glues them together”

They usually have a diff outfit when they go on missions, but this is what they use in their “normal” (as normal as these three can be) life.

Oh, and Hikagi is a Feles. Feles, like most big felines have round ears, you know? Domestic cats have pointy ears but Hikagi is no cat!
2 commentsdan heron01/08/08 at 18:17keiy: anthros?!? awesm and cute
the oni.jpg
the oni.jpgThe Oni1161 viewsWell, well, a very old pic of mine. Somebody reminded me I hadn't post this guy in this gallery so here you have it. A very Dan-esque Oni X3

This is my part of another trade with Oni_Fox_8431, one of the Great Ones of the old Zelda Legends.
I only had a poor reference of what his armor should look so I did my own version ^_^;;
This is one of my favorite versions of Link. I mean, it's not everyday that Link turns into a dark god of destruction X)
18 commentsdan heron12/04/07 at 15:26WhiteLiger: THIS IS SOOOO COOOL
numi sketch.jpg
numi sketch.jpgNumi rough sketch1273 viewsNumi is another Gerudo. She's completly the oposite of Dizi.
Numi is very calm, mischievous and clever.
She's a great spellcaster but she can fight with her staff very well too
9 commentsdan heron09/25/07 at 20:10FaerieEpona: I'm sure there isn't a character called Nu...
ari sketch copy.jpg
ari sketch copy.jpgAri1294 viewsAri's a little mischief maker, more hyperactive than a child on sugar.
She's a mestizo of Hylian, Gerudo, Sheika and Ayike, just like her brothers.
Most of the time she does whatever she wants so be careful to don't get caught with her when she does "bad" things
14 commentsdan heron09/18/07 at 18:23FaerieEpona: cuteness!!! Me like!!!
assy.jpgMy winged knight749 viewsOh, I’m sure you wondered who was paired Assy with X3 Some of you guessed that it was Gorgias, former prince of Werran.
Yes, PRINCE, meaning a boy X) First boy-boy pairing! Yippee! “throws confetti to the hordes of fangirls”
Gor is the little one on the left, he’s a Griffin. The Goddesses of the Hyrul have races that work like guardians for each one of them. Din uses the Red Lions and the Griffin. Asmodeus is a Deva.
Their relationship started very slow, but they quickly learned that the other was what they needed.
Things between them went smoothly until Werran was taken over by the White Cross and the Pristine Army. Gorgias asked the Quetzals to help him recover the country, and they did it. However, that didn’t change anything in the royal family. Gorgias was still an outcast. At least his mother accepted the fact that her son wanted to be her daughter, and even took a liking Assy.
2 commentsdan heron09/02/07 at 03:50shieklord: Definately looks like a girl on the left.
pelea copy.jpg
pelea copy.jpgHunting peahats1747 viewsThis was one of the prizes I gave in DeviantArt for a contest I'm having there. The person wanted me to draw Link fighting peahats in Hyrule's field so I did that. However, the peahats of OoT are kinda lame so I used the WW design for the big one 24 commentsdan heron07/11/07 at 06:00jade2824: your art always surpises me it's always so...
ruto.jpgI'm not Persephone753 viewsIf you were wondering what happened to Ruto, well, here’s your answer.
The Zora Princess really had a bad time after she broke up with Kasui, not only with her heart, but with her duties as a princess. Lots of political crap, attempts of murder, and more shit happened to her.
Nahual was part of the Pristine Army’s experiments to create weapons out of Toerre’s fauna. Made after a wolfos, he is in extreme loyal and obviously strong. He was made to be a killing machine, but he is in extreme pacifist.
The title was inspired by Tori Amos’s song, “Pandora’s Aquarium”. There is a line that says “I’m not asking you to believe in me, boy I think you’re confused, I’m not Persephone”. It relates to what Ruto tells to Nahual after he tries to leave for the first time. With her heart on her hands, she begs him to not leave, because in Hyrule he will be accepted. He doesn’t believe her. Then she says that she isn’t asking him to believe in her, just to give her a chance to prove it to him.
2 commentsdan heron07/11/07 at 05:57jade2824: ok. aww, that really is good i like it. ^^
They_arent_pillows_you_know___by_dan_heron.jpgThey arent pillows you know?1042 viewsWell, somebody told me that it wasn’t fair that Epona was single, especially since she’s such a sweet girl. Then, I remembered another girl who is in the same position than her. This other girl is a Coatl, or dragon in the Aztec tradition, and she was rescued by Link when she was a newborn. Coatzin (Little Snake) developed feelings for Link, but just like Epona, she could never tell him about them.
You already know about Epona, so I’m gonna tell you a bit about Coatzin.
She’s a water dragon, she looks pretty much like the Aztec dragons: Wingless, but capable of flying; they have feathers instead of hair and usually have only the front legs.
This is her Human form, and as you can see, she’s a bit naïve. Epona is sweet and caring, but that doesn’t mean she’s naïve. I mean, look her body! She has to fight away tons of guys and girls in daily basis “shakeshead”
And yes, she’s very well gifted X3 Unlike little Coatzin who looks pretty much like a little child. That of course, until she takes her dragon form >D
3 commentsdan heron11/27/06 at 18:48star_breaker: Unusual! I love it! It;'s so cooooooooooooooo...
the oni.jpg
the oni.jpgThe Oni1161 viewsWell, well, a very old pic of mine. Somebody reminded me I hadn't post this guy in this gallery so here you have it. A very Dan-esque Oni X3

This is my part of another trade with Oni_Fox_8431, one of the Great Ones of the old Zelda Legends.
I only had a poor reference of what his armor should look so I did my own version ^_^;;
This is one of my favorite versions of Link. I mean, it's not everyday that Link turns into a dark god of destruction X)
18 commentsdan heron11/27/06 at 18:47star_breaker: Aweosmness!
kom.jpgIt didn't wither this time802 viewsWell, we all know Medli and Komali are made the one for the other X3 I think this is one of the cutest couples Nintendo has officially made in the Legend of Zelda series. In fact, I think it’s one out of five or so; the only other couples I can remember of are:
Mikau/Lulu, Anju/Kafei and Nayru and Ralph (I’m not really sure they were a couple, though).
In my fic, Komali is after Medli’s heart too, but the young assistant isn’t very sure of loving at the Rito boy. I mean, yeah, he’s rich, charming, clever and many more things, but he also as a reputation of casanova in Hyrule’s University. Still, as you can see, Medli finally accepts. You can imagine how hard it was for poor Komali, just look at him how exhausted he is XD
I think you can imagine where the title comes from ^^
3 commentsdan heron11/11/06 at 18:30Din~the Great: AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW thats soooooooooo cutttteeeee...
kom~0.jpgIt didn't wither this time982 viewsWell, we all know Medli and Komali are made the one for the other X3 I think this is one of the cutest couples Nintendo has officially made in the Legend of Zelda series. In fact, I think it’s one out of five or so; the only other couples I can remember of are:
Mikau/Lulu, Anju/Kafei and Nayru and Ralph (I’m not really sure they were a couple, though).
In my fic, Komali is after Medli’s heart too, but the young assistant isn’t very sure of loving at the Rito boy. I mean, yeah, he’s rich, charming, clever and many more things, but he also as a reputation of casanova in Hyrule’s University. Still, as you can see, Medli finally accepts. You can imagine how hard it was for poor Komali, just look at him how exhausted he is XD
I think you can imagine where the title comes from ^^
5 commentsdan heron10/23/06 at 17:30DarkZelda: Awww,how cute! This picture is fantastic. <33
kasui sketch.jpg
kasui sketch.jpgKasui rough sketch1057 viewsKasui is a Zora, one of the modern Zoras. They change their looks once they reach their teenager years.
He's very loyal to his friends and quite romantic with Ruto X3 his girlfriend
6 commentsdan heron09/22/06 at 19:53stephaniehenson: O.O omg i love your drawings i hope i get that goo...
majton.jpgHanging around with the Dream king712 viewsMajora (the girl on the left) is supposed to be a Helmasaur, but I kinda didn’t put the mask there ^-^;;; Tonalli is the girl on the right, she’s a Scorpia (you can guess)
Majora is the holder of the power of the Moon Goddess, Majora. While Tonalli is the holder of the power of the Sun God, the Oni. Majora represents the Nightmare realm while the Oni is representative of the Dream realm.
Oh, and while it says the Dream king, Tonalli and Majora are both girls. Tonalli is just using the power of a male god but she's a girl X3
1 commentsdan heron08/08/06 at 10:00aquawolf: Cute! Though a little light. ^^"
hikagi sketch.jpg
hikagi sketch.jpgHikagi rough sketch1013 viewsHikagi is Zelda's and Carid's adoptive sister. She's Impa's daughter so she's half Sheika, half Harinco. Very hyper but a Sheika at heart; very disciplined and extremly talented fighter.
There are three tribes of Harincos, the Canis, the Felles and the Scorpia; Hikagi obviously is a Felles. They have many feline features but she IS NOT A NEKO!!!!
4 commentsdan heron08/08/06 at 09:57aquawolf: Nice expression! And I really like the markings on...
ari sketch copy.jpg
ari sketch copy.jpgAri1294 viewsAri's a little mischief maker, more hyperactive than a child on sugar.
She's a mestizo of Hylian, Gerudo, Sheika and Ayike, just like her brothers.
Most of the time she does whatever she wants so be careful to don't get caught with her when she does "bad" things
14 commentsdan heron07/25/06 at 15:17heroofgold022: really cute!!! hyper all the time kind of like me....
ruto.jpgI'm not Persephone753 viewsIf you were wondering what happened to Ruto, well, here’s your answer.
The Zora Princess really had a bad time after she broke up with Kasui, not only with her heart, but with her duties as a princess. Lots of political crap, attempts of murder, and more shit happened to her.
Nahual was part of the Pristine Army’s experiments to create weapons out of Toerre’s fauna. Made after a wolfos, he is in extreme loyal and obviously strong. He was made to be a killing machine, but he is in extreme pacifist.
The title was inspired by Tori Amos’s song, “Pandora’s Aquarium”. There is a line that says “I’m not asking you to believe in me, boy I think you’re confused, I’m not Persephone”. It relates to what Ruto tells to Nahual after he tries to leave for the first time. With her heart on her hands, she begs him to not leave, because in Hyrule he will be accepted. He doesn’t believe her. Then she says that she isn’t asking him to believe in her, just to give her a chance to prove it to him.
2 commentsdan heron07/08/06 at 16:09Koroks Rock: I'm suprised no-one is aroudn going "Aww....
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