Last additions - Official Art |
b-boomerang.jpgBoomerang683 viewsSources: Image from the Link to the Past Instruction Booklet. Scanned and Edited by MeloraMeloraFeb 20, 2006
b-book-of-mudora.jpgThe Book of Mudora699 viewsSources: Image from the Link to the Past Instruction Booklet. Scanned and Edited by MeloraMeloraFeb 20, 2006
b-bomb.jpgBomb764 viewsSources: Image from the Link to the Past Instruction Booklet. Scanned and Edited by MeloraMeloraFeb 20, 2006
ATLLP-Worldmap_Dark_Drawn.jpg1381 viewsIron KnuckleSep 07, 2005
ALTTP-Worldmap_Light_Drawn.jpg1641 viewsIron KnuckleSep 07, 2005
sewers2.jpg2861 viewsLink leading Zelda through the sewers. (smooth)Mar 14, 2004
sewers1.jpg2932 viewsLink leading Zelda through the sewers. (sharp)Mar 14, 2004
mastersword5.jpg3151 viewsFull Master Sword scene.Mar 14, 2004
master.gif3038 viewsThe Master Sword resting in the Lost Woods.Mar 14, 2004
linksleep2.jpg2580 views Princess Zelda's telepathic message waking up Link.Mar 14, 2004
linkgeldman.jpg3157 viewsLink fighting a Geldman.Mar 14, 2004
crystal.jpg1864 viewsLink rescuing a maiden from a crystal.Mar 14, 2004
mastersword.gif1589 viewsThe Master Sword from the title screen. (animated sprites)Mar 14, 2004
linkswim.jpg1199 viewsLink swimming.Mar 14, 2004
linkslash.jpg1318 viewsLink slashing away with his sword.Mar 14, 2004
linkpower.jpg1645 viewsLink powering up his sword.Mar 14, 2004
linkshield.jpg1467 viewsLink blocking a rock projectile with his shield.Mar 14, 2004
linkrest.jpg1730 viewsLink resting under a tree.Mar 14, 2004
linkpot.jpg1313 viewsLink holding a pot above his head.Mar 14, 2004
linkmad2.jpg2874 viewsLarger version of the above image.Mar 14, 2004
linkmad.jpg1308 viewsAnother version of above image.Mar 14, 2004
linkmad.gif1750 viewsA classic shot of Link.Mar 14, 2004
linkfall.jpg1929 viewsLink falling.Mar 14, 2004
linkbow2.jpg1585 viewsLarger version of the above image.Mar 14, 2004
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