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Search results - "Bosses"
6--Barba_of_Three-Eye_Rock_Palace.pngZelda 2 AoL: Three-Eye Rock Palace Guardian Barba249 viewsThe Three-Eye Rock Palace's Guardian, Barba... perhaps one of the more difficult bosses of Zelda 2: Adventure of Link.

A mix of in-game sprite and official art were the references here.
Amped_up_pt._2.JPGAmped up pt. 2 (remodeled)165 viewsThis is a better version of my previous file.

I based Volvagia's head off Spinosaurus, a predatory dinosaur around the same size as T-rex.

Now you can see Bongo's snake tail's nose and the end of its forked tongue.
Niko the ninja
aquamentus.jpgAquamentus320 viewsBeen playing the original LOZ lately and noticed that the boss Aquamentus is lacking in creativity, so I made him better! I know that MariaGemini specifically does Hylianized versions of bosses and I want everyone to know that I'm not trying to copy her, I don't think I've even seen her version of Aquamentus.
I gave him weird legs on purpous, i wanted him to look a little unnatural.
2 commentsChibi-Kokiri
Bongo_Bongo_Color.gifPhantom Shadow Beast: Bongo Bongo343 views Link Rules all originally drew Bongo Bongo, and said that anyone could improve it. So I accepted this challenge! This was my first ever drawing of Bongo Bongo, so I had to glance at the official art :-( , then recreate it into this pic. ( I added Link Just for kicks, and yes he's being bounced on the drum!)
Original Art (c) Link Rules All
Official Art (c) Nintendo
P.S. This pic looks better when u enlarge it!
6 commentsPrincess of Twilight
Bosses.pngA Link to the Past Bosses428 viewsSince some of you wanted to see another one of these pics I tried to do one of all the ALttP bosses. And guess what, I totally f*#ked up. It ended up sounding like the Discovery Channal did a documentry on Zelda boss. It makes me mad because I tried really hard on this. There are probable SO MANY screw ups in it but i uploaded it any way.2 commentsbounty hunter
gsg-daniela-desertboss.jpgLamnola: Desert Bosses2123 viewsSources: Scanned and contributed by Daniela, from the Official German A Link to the Past Player's Guide!1 commentsMelora
Mezlas_001.jpgMezlas654 viewsThe boss I bet no one was really waiting for is finished! DONE. I AM DONE UNTIL TWILIGHT PRINCESS COMES OUT. (Though I know one of the bosses and can work on that one...c_C; )

I know the design is kinda' simple but I had to mostly go with memory. My memory doesn't like me very much so, ...yeah.

4 commentsMariaGemini
oot_sum.swfSumation of OoT888 viewsOnce again, this is a hyperspeed rendition of what happens thoughout OoT. I listed (most of) the items in the upper left corner as you get them, with a number of exceptions, mostly due to my inner lazyness. I also posted where/what's going on in the lower left corner, which helps clear stuff up a bit, and the trading game in the upper right.

I decided to use FireGS's Tal Tal Mtn song (from because it's a good song for this. Also, it's already an MP3, which means i don't have to rerecord it myself :)

Finally, i decided not to cut>animate the adult bosses because it took so much effort to animate the young link bosses and i wanted to stay under 1 megabyte.

This will be my last production until perhaps September: I'm going to staff at a backpacking camp for the rest of July, and then August is going to be pure h*ll for me, what with school starting again and having to catch up on other projects. I'll be back and commenting about August the 2nd, but not posting new stuff.
6 commentsKoroks Rock
picocoop.jpgPico teamwork313 viewsAn example of how the 2 player co-operative system could work, in this case, Pico is far too heavy to walk across weak floors, Link however is light enough to cross...
This system of split-up and working together allows the two to overcome bosses, puzzles and so on.
4 commentsRICKY
Prt1_LOZ.pngZBC-Part 1: Legend of Zelda1512 viewsBosses for the Legend of Zelda game.
ALL designs and art here is © Maria McGuigan 2004.
Bosses for the Legend of Zelda game are © Nintendo.


HA! I figured out how to upload all of them at once without uploading them indiviually! [I can't spell that word! HOORAY!]
I only have ONE more boss to draw. [I am NOT including the Minish Cap bosses untill the game comes out here in the US.]
-boogie- It only took me a few months to do!
9 commentsMariaGemini
Prt2_AOL1.pngZBC-Part 2: Adventure of Link1491 viewsBosses for the Adventure of Link game.
ALL designs and art here is © Maria McGuigan 2004.
Bosses for the Adventire of Link game are © Nintendo.


HA! I figured out how to upload all of them at once without uploading them indiviually! [I can't spell that word! HOORAY!]
I only have ONE more boss to draw. [I am NOT including the Minish Cap bosses untill the game comes out here in the US.]
-boogie- It only took me a few months to do!
11 commentsMariaGemini
Prt3_ALttP1.pngZBC-Part 3-A Link to the Past1565 viewsBosses for the A Link to the Past game.
ALL designs and art here is © Maria McGuigan 2004.
Bosses for the A Link to the Past game are © Nintendo.


HA! I figured out how to upload all of them at once without uploading them indiviually! [I can't spell that word! HOORAY!]
I only have ONE more boss to draw. [I am NOT including the Minish Cap bosses untill the game comes out here in the US.]
-boogie- It only took me a few months to do!
13 commentsMariaGemini
Prt4_LA1.pngZBC-Part 4-Link's Awakening1542 viewsBosses for the Link's Awakening game.
ALL designs and art here is © Maria McGuigan 2004.
Bosses for the Link's Awakening game are © Nintendo.


HA! I figured out how to upload all of them at once without uploading them indiviually! [I can't spell that word! HOORAY!]
I finally found Minish Cap boss information. Thus..they have been added to the ZBC count.
-boogie- It only took me a few months to do!
9 commentsMariaGemini
Prt5_OoT1.pngZBC- Part 5: Ocarina of Time1451 viewsBosses for the Ocarina of Time game.
ALL designs and art here is © Maria McGuigan 2004.
Bosses for the Ocarina of Time game are © Nintendo.


HA! I figured out how to upload all of them at once without uploading them indiviually! [I can't spell that word! HOORAY!]
I finally found Minish Cap boss information. Thus..they have been added to the ZBC count.
-boogie- It only took me a few months to do!
4 commentsMariaGemini
Prt6_MM.pngZBC-Part 6: Majora's Mask1342 views Bosses for the Majora's Mask game.
ALL designs and art here is © Maria McGuigan 2004.
Bosses for the Majora's Mask game are © Nintendo.


HA! I figured out how to upload all of them at once without uploading them indiviually! [I can't spell that word! HOORAY!]
I finally found Minish Cap boss information. Thus..they have been added to the ZBC count.
-boogie- It only took me a few months to do!
3 commentsMariaGemini
Prt7_WW1.pngZBC- Part 7: WindWaker.1194 views Bosses for the WindWaker game.
ALL designs and art here is © Maria McGuigan 2004.
Bosses for the WindWaker game are © Nintendo.


HA! I figured out how to upload all of them at once without uploading them indiviually! [I can't spell that word! HOORAY!]
I finally found Minish Cap boss information. Thus..they have been added to the ZBC count.
-boogie- It only took me a few months to do!
6 commentsMariaGemini
Prt8_4SGBA1.pngZBC- Part 8-Four Swords GBA1087 views Bosses Four Swords (GBA) game.
ALL designs and art here is © Maria McGuigan 2004.
Bosses for the Four Swords (GBA) game are © Nintendo.


HA! I figured out how to upload all of them at once without uploading them indiviually! [I can't spell that word! HOORAY!]
I finally found Minish Cap boss information. Thus..they have been added to the ZBC count.
-boogie- It only took me a few months to do!
5 commentsMariaGemini
Prt9_OoA1.pngZBC- Part 9-Oracle of Ages1252 views Bosses for the Oracle of Ages game.
ALL designs and art here is © Maria McGuigan 2004.
Bosses for the Oracle of Ages game are © Nintendo.


HA! I figured out how to upload all of them at once without uploading them indiviually! [I can't spell that word! HOORAY!]
I finally found Minish Cap boss information. Thus..they have been added to the ZBC count.
-boogie- It only took me a few months to do!
5 commentsMariaGemini
volvagialikelikewaiting.jpgvolvagia and like like befor link comes545 viewsWonder what those dungeon bosses do while waiting for Link to come and kick their butts.
Here's a theory... they have tea with their minions... that or play canasta.
7 commentsAltaire
19 files on 1 page(s)