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Search results - "Hylain"
Darnaku.jpgDurnaku371 viewsThis is the first of my darknut designs. The first and formost change is the name. These are enemies that you fear to fight in Wind Waker, that are great and ruthless fighters, yet they have one of the worst names. So I changed it to durnaku (Dur Na Ku). At least that is what they would call themselves in their own tounge. I could see hylain common folk calling them darknuts for a shorter, easier to remember name (like gator for Alligator). They still have their bulging design seen in Wind Waker, but they have become more animal like as well. This design is the base of the Durnaku. All other designs will be based on this( The same goes for my Goron and Zora, they are all bases to draw on). I plan to do a armored Durnaku, and also a wild one, untamed by the dark powers and fully animalistic in nature. Keep an eye out for them4 commentsBraxis
Goron weapons.jpg
Goron weapons.jpgGoron Weapons598 viewsHear are a few goron weapons as I see them. They are all based around the concept that they would be used to hack, bash, and do a lot of damage( and in the hammer and pic-ax's case, work) with.

The Spiked Club- This is a simple weapon used to bash in helms, armor, and other various things.

The Sword- The goron race is known for there steel work. However, the Goron knife found in the game is more of a hylain weapon, made to be used by a strong hylain warrior. Sword made for themselves however, would be much different. Being so strong, the Goron would make a heavy thick sword, not so much elegant as it is powerful. Because of a gorons physique, I thought it better to make it a one handed sword.

Hammer- Of course the gorons will have a hammer in their inventory. The megaton hammer, being one of the strongest weapons in the game, became a base for this hammer. This one looks like it has some bells and whistles on it, but it certainly looks like it would get the job done.

Bomb- The most well known weapon of the gorons, Bombs are made from the harvested bomb flowers that grow on death mountain. One question thats always bothered me, is how do they work? Here is my theroy. Bombflowers contain two powerful substances in them. When mixed the reaction is explosive. One substance is right under the shell, one is in a membrane in the middle, which is connected to the root. In a young state, unharvest bombflowers that are picked immaturely calapse their membrane and mix instantaniously, becoming a instant bomb and explode shortly after being picked. A harvested bomb have a harder shell, and are picked when ripe. They can be carried for a long time, and when needed, must be bashed against a hard object to colapse the membrance and begain the reaction which will finish a few seconds later with a bang.

Pic-Ax- Now, this would be more of a work tool, but most weapons in medieval battles were work weapons, so I added this baby in there. It could certainly do some damage, and it was fun to draw.

Chain Foil- Need a place cleared of enemies fast and easy, take out this thing. This is made to utterly pulverize anything it hits.

Shield- The gorons are a hardy race, but even they need protection from pole arms, and strong swords, So I gave them a shield that can be worn as a gauntlent on a free arm, that bashes away a attack and opens up room for a counter-strike.

Well thats it. If Anyone has any suggestions for other weapons for the goron race please comment. Ill put up a warrior outfit for the gorons soon, to go with these weapons. Expect Zoran weapons soon too.
8 commentsBraxis
Hylain Guard.png
Hylain Guard.pngHylain Gaurd.359 viewsI drew this a really long time ago, so don't say what i know you'll say.6 commentsZgamer(HVCR)
hylain.jpgHylain Guard503 viewsOk, I havent posted in a long time, but just to show that I am still working on zelda design, Here is a hylain guard. Nothing out of the ordinary went in to drawing this, but it did take quite awhile to get the armor to look right, and to look in a way that he wouldnt be too restricted to movement. I tried to keep the roman-esque feel of the hylians from oot, but also added thier own little style of armor. I decided silver armor and black cloth would look really cool, and the triforce symbol on the chest plate could be bronze, or gold. Hope you like it, comment any changes that should be made.7 commentsBraxis
moblin.jpgMoblin494 viewsHere we have your simple moblin warrior. I've been trying to nail one of these for awhile, but I always messed up when I worked on the face and tryed to 'pig' up his legs by making them bow legged. So I just changed all that. The legs are normal, aside from the ninja turtle like hoof feet. I just couldnt get the face looking as grim as I wanted it, so I just put a leather cap on him, which kinda takes any kind of individually of the character, and blends him in with the rest of his crew. Faceless if you will. Nice little touch for the evil war machine that is ganon's minions. I love his sword, I think it fits him perfectly, right down to the skull tiped pummel. Little things make this pic good, such as the skull neckless that you would reconize from wind waker, and the hylain shin-gaurd and gaunlet. It makes it feel like the moblins would just pick stuff off the battlefield, which suits thier characters perfectly. Everything else is just for show, but I like it, and I think it came out swell. Please comment.6 commentsBraxis
Picture.pngHylain Bounty hunter 2.211 viewsZgamer(HVCR)
Talon.jpgTalon355 viewsMy take on talon. I wanted to make him look less like mario and more like a zelda character. He kind of has that warrior gone to seed look, which I went for. I plan on using this design for a upcoming fan comic so look out for that. Some may like the changes, some may not. any request are welcome too!2 commentsBraxis
Yeah, baby...YEAH....png
Yeah, baby...YEAH....pngHylain Bounty hunter.269 viewsThis is what a Hylain Bounty Hunter could look like.2 commentsZgamer(HVCR)
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