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Search results - "Ricky"
200X Sword.png
200X Sword.pngTribute to Ricky (200X Sword)431 viewsThis sword is a tribute to the most awesome Wind Waker style artist Ricky! It's his Link 200X Sword. I didn't have that much place to put cool detail into it because it's such a simple sword. So I'll understand if you don't like it as much as my others, but it's the thought that counts. YOU ROCK RICKY!!!! PS- I had to uploud and delete this a few times because I spelled my name worng and every time I tried to fix it it didn't work, sorry.10 commentsbounty hunter
animalpals.jpgLink's Animal Friends358 viewsFrom the Oracle Series, here come Ricky, Moosh and Dimitri. I specially loved how I got this Link. Kawaii ne? ^_^4 commentsMalu CLBS
Death_valley.jpgDeath mountains306 viewsMore like Death Valley.
Ok, I'll make this quick. It all started a few months ago when i saw my old death valley pics (the ones that looked like the volcano in Mario 64; they've been deleted now for being bmps), and noticed that someone (RICKY, maybe?) kept suggesting that i add a "glow" to them. I had just learned how to do that, so i started changing some stuff, and after a few hours had something like this. About a month later i came back, made some changes, and went back to school. a couple weeks after that, i wrote a few scripts, and my comp worked on rendering a movie of this for 4-5 days (really). it was 26 MB, i got it down to 6MB, but my trial period for flash ended (KR: Help!!!). anyway, i took one of about 450 frames, converted it to jpeg, stuck it as my wallpaper, and uploaded it.
Yeah, it's Death Valley. That's lava in the bottom. I've gotten better at mist and sunbeams, as you should notice. enjoy. and, of course, COMMENT!!!!
7 commentsthe_ocarina_of_time
df.pngFierce Diety's Flames of...... Fire511 viewsthis was a pic that Magalink drew, (which is why the dude looks real) and i edited it. I hope i didn't ruin it, fire is tricky to draw.15 commentsdude_thats_evil
kangaroo girl.JPG
mirror-hyrule-shield.jpgHylian Mirror Shield543 viewsI combined the hyrule shield with the mirror shield, quite simply put. Tricky use of layer masks (Photoshop, naturally). The smudge tool is now my best friend. ;-)11 commentsdudeofrandomness
ng.jpgGanondorf as a Nightmaren138 viewsI'm obsessed with drawing Nightmarens, they're so neat! And yeah, this is a Nightmaren Ganondorf. And the thing he's holding is the Ace of Spades, which signifies death in fortune telling with cards. I was originally going to have him hold a Persona (mask), but realized that would make him too much like Reala! I might color this someday, but then again I might not.
Ganondorf (c) nintendo
Nightmaren (c) sega
art (c) hauu13
6 commentshauu13
Princess Ruto.jpg
Princess Ruto.jpgArt Trade for Ricky4785 viewsIt's finally here!!! I'm so so sorry I kept you waiting for so long!! You're the best and I can't thank you enough for you friendship!! I hope you like it!!40 commentsMagalink
ricky.gif722 viewsLink in the pouch of Ricky the kangaroo.
Ricky.gif375 views
ricky2.gif1497 viewsBetter version of the above image.3 comments
ricky3.gif934 viewsSmaller version of the above image.
rickyattacks.jpgRicky and Link in autumn581 viewsLink is traveling around Holodrum in Ricky the kangaroo's pouch...10 commentsRICKY
rickyrulz.jpgRicky > Link329 viewsYes it's true the roo is greater than the rider. >:3

Having played Oracle games recently I realised that Link is such a pain-in-the-ass to control, I'm not bashing the difficulty factor because gamers love a new challenge, and all Zelda games start with just 3 hearts meaning the monsters can inflict tremendous damage to your life-force, BUT here you always seem to come off worse whenever fighting a screen full of enemies, the hero moves like a stoned snail and his sword is pathetically weak! (you can't upgrade it until the last leg of the quest) …don't even get me started on those damn electrified monsters. ]:x

My annoyance sky-rocketed after the first few dungeons; then I found Ricky, and I actually started enjoying the game again. This kangaroo kicks ass! Ricky can move far faster, attacks bad guys like crazy, jump over cliffs easily, and unleashes powerful mini-tornados upon command. =3

Pity you can't take this companion into the dungeons. >.>

Ricky, Link © Nintendo 2006.
Rickys_Gloves.gif467 views1 comments
ricky_the_kangaroo.jpgRicky and Link (version 2)346 viewsIf you've ever played 'Oracle of Seasons' on Game Boy Color then you'll know you can choose 3 different companions to help your quest, so this free-spirited boxing kangaroo 'Ricky' was an instant fave with me. =3

I did said fan artwork years ago then eventually uploaded it to ZeldaLegends, then deviantART under a different alias name "Roo-meister", but various problems and random DA n00bs made me quit the site for a while. Anyways I've now decided to revamp the colours, give it b/g and share it with everyone here.

Characters belong to Nintendo and Capcom © 2006.
split_wallpaper.jpgSplit Natures (wallpaper)837 viewsThis is a relatively straightforward edit to existing artwork that you can find on Nintendo Power magazines (or so i'm told. i dunno, i got it from zeldalegends). the tricky bit was trying to change the pic's proportions without distorting the subjects. i tried at some length to displace the bottom and top to the sides, but once i did so i realized that it didn't work out as a background.

so i scrapped it and went for the rule-of-thirds appoach you see here, twisting the existing side material backwards so as to give the user some space to put their desktop icons. i also tried to apply the sexy new logo, but i really didn't work colorwise. so i just stuck the name over to the right, mirroring the now-classic Unreal Tournament backgrounds.

So the root subject is not mine, i don't take credit for it, but getting it to work as a background was my effort.
14 commentsKoroks Rock
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