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Search results - "Wars"
harshcomic.gifThe Harsh Comic1142 viewsHistory Time!
Way back in the day, before the Fall of the old Zeldalegends (ooh, how mythical sounding), there were wars. Terrible wars between the Fan Artists and the Spammers, fighting for the sanctity of the Gallery. They were know as the Spam Wars.

Leading the forces of good (the origianal Artists) were heros such as Imazeldagirl, Ganondorf, Hacker Z, IronKnuckle, Dan Heron, Obsessed_Zelda_Freak, and myself, just to name a few.

Leading the forces of 3vi|_ were spammers such as black_link and his many personas- white_link, red_link, green_link, gray_link, rainbow_link, etc. They sought to poison the gallery by posting unaltered official art and making irrelevant comments. No one was safe.

In an effort to fight the 3vi|_, Hacker Z and I began a campaign where we not only refuted the spammers with our commets, but also with our art. This particular picture is a compilation by me of several brave pics by HZ. I post this pic today in the aftermath of Rhyksha, to remind spammers what waits in the Depths of the Gallery.
25 commentsKoroks Rock
Midna.jpgMidna? Dan's midna X31228 viewsI'm sure all of you know who Midna is, well, since every original character of Nintendo has gotten a new look for my fic now I show you Midna!
Yup, she no longer is that little and cute demon we see in TP trailers, now she's a Veerial and she still has her scarf/hand thing, minus helmet. Helmet too hard for teh Dan to draw T^T As you can guess for the drawing, she isn't much of a fighter herself, but a magic user.
Depending of what we see in TP is the way I'm gonna shape her bg for my fanfic. Oh, and she's just above the 4 ft tall, she's very tiny ^^

Veerial: After millenia and millenia of wars in the Dark Realm, a great overlord commanded all the demon races to merge into one and make peace. That new demon race was called Veerial, in honor of the great demon who brought them together.
16 commentsdan heron
Random Fight Colored.jpg
Random Fight Colored.jpgMean in Green396 viewsThe fan art gallery has become a little dull lately. As DTE would say something random needs to happen. So I drew this random fight between Boba Fett and Link.11 commentsbounty hunter
skywarsword.PNG300 viewsflimsykitty
vaati_bday14.jpgVaati's 14th Birthday XD346 viewsIn my fanfic, Vaati turns 14 (yes, 14). I am well aware that I got the colours on the Cartman slippers all screwed up. I am also well aware that he's wearing knickers over his pants. Why? Because he's cool enough to do that on his b-day, that's why! Just so you know, in my fanfic, the characters like things like South Park, Foamy the Squirrel (found here), and FS Manga (mostly Angua). They also like Harry Potter and Star Wars.

I am also well aware that he looks like a girl.
4 commentsvaati_girl
wwfairy.jpgVenus, Queen of Fairies (Wind Waker version)126 viewsShe's using the healing fairies as ballons? I have some weird ideas. And I decided that her arms are going to be freakishly long, since she's strange enough as is.
Venus, healing fairies (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
I take requests
6 commentshauu13
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