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16 sept copy.jpg
16 sept copy.jpg16 de Septiembre!1710 viewsXD September 16 is Mexico's Independence Day, I still can't understand why people in other countries make such big deal of May 5 (I can't understand how they can put that day above sept 16). But this day, we celebrate day and night, all around the country, and what you see Dizi, Aliku and Link wearing is pretty much of what you see during those parties XD
I don't know why people think we dress like mariachis or cowboys or that we live in desert or stuff like that, it's just silly XD Myself, I have never got anywhere near to a mariachi, they piss me off, I have never seen a cowboy, or a desert for that matterXD

Our Smexy Dizi, donning a Tricolor top and a matraca (her hair down because she looks smexier). Aliku (yes, she can change the color of her skin), is wearing a Naco's shirt X3 And Link wearing an old soccer shirt, Mexico's, of course X3 on the front the face of the Sun calendar. And in the bg, the eagle devouring the snake, our coat of arms
I hope you like it because I put a lot of heart on it
26 commentsdan heron
3_of_a_kind_by_dan_heron.jpg3 of a kind526 viewsCarid, Aliku and Hikagi form a group that works independently of the rest of the Quetzals. They are into spy stuff and are good at it. Although, they also enjoy bashing skulls and kicking major ass every now and then X3

And look at them, they are so chibi!!!!! XO

“head explodes”

“picks up pieces of head”

“glues them together”

They usually have a diff outfit when they go on missions, but this is what they use in their “normal” (as normal as these three can be) life.

Oh, and Hikagi is a Feles. Feles, like most big felines have round ears, you know? Domestic cats have pointy ears but Hikagi is no cat!
2 commentsdan heron
4Swords_Red_Caramelldansen.pngCaramelldansen602 views Once you hear this song get's stuck in your head....(So don't even listen to it if you can't stand little, cute voices!) So I just decided to draw Red Caramelldansen for no real reason. XD Probably because he's the cutest out of all the Links and the song is sung by a cute little voice. X3 The background (as simple as it seems) was hard to do, since my computer was acting stupid! >< Anyways, I hope you all like it!

Red © Akira Himekawa

Art © Princess of Twilight

"Caramelldansen" © Caramell
12 commentsPrincess of Twilight
aliku sketch.jpg
aliku sketch.jpgAliku rough sketch1056 viewsAh, Aliku, the person who's destined to kill Zelda.
No info about her past, the only thing you can be sure is that she dreams of killing the Hylian princess and make her suffer until she gives her last breath X3
Aliku is crazy, btw X)
8 commentsdan heron
aliku vs link copy.jpg
aliku vs link copy.jpgAh, this is love ^^1298 viewsthis is an scene from my fanfic, here we can see the first time Aliku and Link met. These two are gonna be a couple later, unfortunately, first they want to kill each other.
Aliku, because she was hired to kill him.
Link, because if Aliku dies, Zelda will live (it has to do with Zelda's prophetic dreams, where Aliku always kills her).

These claws Link is using are his Balam's claws, they were inspired by illustrations in the Sun calendar of the Aztecs.
Aliku usually uses twin tantos but here she's using a kunai to defend herself. Link really is aiming to kill her o.O
16 commentsdan heron
anihik.jpgYoung Souls599 viewsThis boy is Hikagi’s love “nodnod” Yup, they are very in love, even with all the problems each one carries on their back.
Hikagi (the “feline” girl) is half Harinco and half Sheika. Animula is a Deva.
Their personalities are very different. While Hikagi is lives life to the fullest, Animula is too scared most of the time, and he refuses physical contact unless it’s his sister or Hikagi.
The title derives from Animula’s name. It comes from Latin, Animula, which means, Young Soul… or something like that ^-^;;;
dan heron
anjukafei.jpgThe Pendant of Memories516 viewsAnju and Kaffei holding their pendant. We never knew what memories came from the pendant... oh, well...7 commentsMalu CLBS
ari sketch copy.jpg
ari sketch copy.jpgAri1294 viewsAri's a little mischief maker, more hyperactive than a child on sugar.
She's a mestizo of Hylian, Gerudo, Sheika and Ayike, just like her brothers.
Most of the time she does whatever she wants so be careful to don't get caught with her when she does "bad" things
14 commentsdan heron
Art_trade__Link_and_Zelda_by_Chosen_of_Xenodrupe.pngZeLink art trade440 viewsAn AT with \o/ Link's clothes are those he wears underneath the magic armor.1 commentsWaann
asmodeus sketch.jpg
asmodeus sketch.jpgAsmodeus rough sketch966 viewsA Deva, a race capable to control and shape the shadows at their will.
He's very smooth and reserved, speaks only when he thinks he needs to speak his opinion.
Hardcore lover and a great spellcaster
7 commentsdan heron
assy.jpgMy winged knight749 viewsOh, I’m sure you wondered who was paired Assy with X3 Some of you guessed that it was Gorgias, former prince of Werran.
Yes, PRINCE, meaning a boy X) First boy-boy pairing! Yippee! “throws confetti to the hordes of fangirls”
Gor is the little one on the left, he’s a Griffin. The Goddesses of the Hyrul have races that work like guardians for each one of them. Din uses the Red Lions and the Griffin. Asmodeus is a Deva.
Their relationship started very slow, but they quickly learned that the other was what they needed.
Things between them went smoothly until Werran was taken over by the White Cross and the Pristine Army. Gorgias asked the Quetzals to help him recover the country, and they did it. However, that didn’t change anything in the royal family. Gorgias was still an outcast. At least his mother accepted the fact that her son wanted to be her daughter, and even took a liking Assy.
2 commentsdan heron
attendant.jpgNot only an attendant599 viewsI thought of Impa more like a surrogate mother for Zelda, so I drew this. Oh, and that's the Book of Mudora that Zelda is reading for bedtime.6 commentsMalu CLBS
A_modern_Minish_by_dan_heron.jpgA modern Minish662 viewsFor my Saria "anthro" I had only a few choices since the Legend of Zelda isn't exactly creative when it comes to forest related monsters. The main choices were Dabas, Deku spruts and… I think that's all. The rest of the plant monsters are too abstract to give them a human form.

That's why lovely Saria got to be a Minish ^^ yeh, I know this little race lives everywhere, but they originally came from the Forest, and are always hiding from people, just like the Kokiris. Besides, they are so friggin' cute you want to hug them X3 Just like Saria!
I know only forest Minish have feathers like tails, but what the heck, a feather tail is cute ^^

Oh, and Minish have those really big eyes that are very shiny. That's why she looks a bit weird.
Oh2: she's a bit older here ^-^;
Oh3: she's human sized
2 commentsdan heron
b-pendants.jpgPendants953 viewsSources: Image from the Link to the Past Instruction Booklet. Scanned and Edited by Melora. Notes: Blue is Wisdom, Red is Power, and Green is Courage. Only the blue one was in the booklet, I used photoshop to create the other two colors.2 commentsMelora
BandanaGuy.gif504 viewsIron Knuckle
BRIDES.jpgHere come the brides!1435 viewsThis is my first Zelda fanart totally colored with Photoshop! I'm so glad I got it! The Pendant of Memories was also made with Photoshop, BTW. Here, every girl that has wanted link for herself is here to see to whom Link is getting married! Malon is the one with Saria and Marin is the one at the left, looking at Zelda. Ruto is green with envy! XD20 commentsMalu CLBS
calis.jpgCalis rough sketch965 viewsCaelifer, aka Calis, is a Numtian (NOT AN ANGEL) who was found by Luz and Asmodeus.
After they find some problems on some towns at the north of Hyrule they come back to live with the rest of the gang in the Forest Temple
She's extremly friendly and loves to give hugs and kisses to everybody X)
7 commentsdan heron
carid sketch.jpg
carid sketch.jpgCarid rough sketch1042 viewsCarid is an orphan girl who was took into Hyrule's castle to be Zelda's "sister". She belongs to the race of the Ayikes, a race with amazing mental powers and monstruous physical strenght. She can crush a rock with her bare hands.
Even though she may seem harmless she was actually trained by Impa so she knows Sheikan tactics which combined with her natural powers make her a lethal weapon
7 commentsdan heron
Chibi Lock.jpg
Chibi Lock.jpgChibi Lock311 viewsLock is a character from my fanfiction. She's a tough girl who lost her parents as a baby and was abandoned by her foster family. She's kind of like the independant woman... until she meets Link. She ends up falling for him at some point. This is a chibi pic of her.6 commentsLinkFan
Chu_Chews_color_copy.pngChu Chews!211 viewsAccording to my brother, if the Zelda universe had candy, it'd be this. Chu Chews, the chewy chu-jelly candy! I'm guessing they're something like gummi balls or whatever. He says they could be more like bubble gum... I prefer the gummi ball idea, though.

So, yeah, as you can see, it's WW style Like in a psudo-promo poster type thing.

And now I want some candy... dang.
8 commentsthepbjninja
citb copy.jpg
citb copy.jpg4 Character in the Back1665 viewsWell, here's your character CitB ^^
I hope you like it. Though, I forgot her name ^^;;;;
20 commentsdan heron
collage2.jpgChallenge Background1316 viewsOK, here's my entry in the little Z'05 challenge. Any advice or comments are very welcome, I doubt this is the final version.

Made entirely in photoshop during my Independant Study.
32 commentsKoroks Rock
Colored_Minish_Cap_Pic_with_BG.JPG"Whaah?!!"245 viewsA dear friend sent me sum new excellent set of colored pencils and i tested it out on this minish cap pic, thank u daniela!
Ezlo: "Watch out, Link! A huge girl's huge shoes are headed straight for us!!"
Link: "WHAAAH?!" *turns*
Ezlo: "Hey U can see her underpanties from here!"
Link: "ur riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiteeeeeeee"
2 commentsAtEteMiAGaRe
dance.PNGZelda:Princess of Hyrule's request: Twilight Princess Zelda125 viewsAnd she's doing a move from the dance Nimbooda? Oh man, this is how you just know you've seen too much Bollywood stuff. Let's see, how many details did I get wrong this time? Other than the sash, I already know that that's messed up. Well anyways, hope you like it Zelda:Princess of Hyrule!
Zelda (c) nintendo
Nibooda (c) I have no clue...
art (c) hauu13
4 commentshauu13
205 files on 9 page(s) 1