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Search results - "hylian"
2.jpgHappiness in sadness425 viewsUh-Oh, Lorica's sad...but she has a smile on her face? Something super hormonal must be happening here. And, being the good husband he is, Symphann comforts her..

On a completely unrelated note--CK's gota bit of artist block, and one of the best ways (next to colorful fanart) to cure it is a new character. But, thanks to my artists block I'm feeling a little indecisive, and I need to know whether I should make this new character a girl or boy, and so I figured I'd have you guys vote :D
7 commentsChibi-Kokiri
3_of_a_kind_by_dan_heron.jpg3 of a kind526 viewsCarid, Aliku and Hikagi form a group that works independently of the rest of the Quetzals. They are into spy stuff and are good at it. Although, they also enjoy bashing skulls and kicking major ass every now and then X3

And look at them, they are so chibi!!!!! XO

“head explodes”

“picks up pieces of head”

“glues them together”

They usually have a diff outfit when they go on missions, but this is what they use in their “normal” (as normal as these three can be) life.

Oh, and Hikagi is a Feles. Feles, like most big felines have round ears, you know? Domestic cats have pointy ears but Hikagi is no cat!
2 commentsdan heron
aliku sketch.jpg
aliku sketch.jpgAliku rough sketch1057 viewsAh, Aliku, the person who's destined to kill Zelda.
No info about her past, the only thing you can be sure is that she dreams of killing the Hylian princess and make her suffer until she gives her last breath X3
Aliku is crazy, btw X)
8 commentsdan heron
aquamentus.jpgAquamentus320 viewsBeen playing the original LOZ lately and noticed that the boss Aquamentus is lacking in creativity, so I made him better! I know that MariaGemini specifically does Hylianized versions of bosses and I want everyone to know that I'm not trying to copy her, I don't think I've even seen her version of Aquamentus.
I gave him weird legs on purpous, i wanted him to look a little unnatural.
2 commentsChibi-Kokiri
ari sketch copy.jpg
ari sketch copy.jpgAri1294 viewsAri's a little mischief maker, more hyperactive than a child on sugar.
She's a mestizo of Hylian, Gerudo, Sheika and Ayike, just like her brothers.
Most of the time she does whatever she wants so be careful to don't get caught with her when she does "bad" things
14 commentsdan heron
Atkins Diet.JPG
Atkins Diet.JPGAtkins Diet247 viewsWind Waker Ganon looking through a Hylian translation of the Atkins Diet book. Yes, that is actual Hylian. The cover says "Atkins Diet". Inside it says. "How are you? I'm an idiot" (I think that's what it says, I made this last year. I can't remember). Hand drawn. Edited in Photoshop.1 commentsArt1st4786
becomesmall.jpgBecome small624 viewsFinished this yesterday. As you can see, it's from Minish Cap, and it's Link becoming small at one of those stumps. I managed to find a screencap with Ezlo saying all this Hylian letters, and I translated them. It means "chiisaku nare" which is Japanese for "become small". That's why I named this drawing like that. I hope you like it. I personally wanted this to be all about perspective and the magical lighting coming out of the stump, and I think I managed to make it really well.6 commentsMalu CLBS
biggoron colored.jpg
biggoron colored.jpgBiggoron Pose620 viewsThis is a simple resketching of the classic OoT pose, just with the biggoron sword rather than the master & hylian combo. It was my first fan art pic ever, period, which is why the boots and such are so funky.9 commentsKoroks Rock
couple.jpgA Lovebird and a Hylian326 viewsThese are my two newest OCs. Actually, no. Laurica (the girl) is actually rather old, but I only drew her once. The Rito, who still needs a name (any suggestions? Something musical please :D) is super new. These two happy people are married, hence the twin tattoos. Those were done on their wedding day, and I need to draw a picture of that...

Screwing around with a new coloring style. Instead of smudging the shaded parts, I added ab 18 pixen guassian blur (WAY to many pixels IMO, so I guess I've learned something) No lighting because this picture took long enough with just the flat color and shading.
6 commentsChibi-Kokiri
croq.pngScribbles165 viewsJust a few doodles. There are only random OCs on the right part of the paper. ^^'1 commentsWaann
Does_she_even_have_arms__by_Chosen_of_Xenodrupe.pngSkyward Sword195 viewsI drew this last year, shortly after the concept art for Skyward Sword was revealed.~.2 commentsWaann
Explorar.jpgDesert Dancer Malon1026 viewsYou know? I think I may start uploading my sketches here in the scraps, I tend to doodle a lot during classes XD That's bad, boys and girl, you shouldn't do it! The Dan is a registered professional, so he has license to do things he isn't supposed to do during classes, always remember that.

And well, just like the title says, Desert Dancer, Malon. Yes, Malon! Our sweet ranch girl is part Gerudo, and like any of her desert sisters, well, she's a warrior at heart. She doesn't uses the typical twin scimitars of the Gerudos, she prefers claws, like Link's. Her lovely and sensual dance hides deadly movement that she uses to finish her enemies in a blink.
Here we can see her with her Gerudo outfit, I'm not very sure of what to change to it, but I'm sure I'm gonna change something.

As you can see, Mal is very different from Ari. The red has bigger breast, round hips, longer hair, and is very feminine, everything Ari wants in a girl X)
16 commentsdan heron
Explorar0021.jpg"gasps" Ari >3921 viewswell, just a lil doodle I did during my class of Costs and Graphic Production.
This is what I want for Ari's final design. Longer hair, this outfit for her every day life, and small breasts. She wants bigger breasts, because people calls her boy and then she has to beat their poor arses X)

Just pen, no pencil, nor idea of what I was doing until halfway, then I started shading X)
15 commentsdan heron
g-hylian-man.jpgA Hylian Man1153 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by MeloraMelora
g-hylian-woman.jpgA Hylian Woman1015 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by MeloraMelora
g-hylians.jpgHylian Ears982 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Notes: I don't have a scanned file for this image so I did the cheapest quickest thing and cropped and uploaded the image from the guide section so there would be a place holder. The source was some .pdf files of the guide Nintendo had available to the public on their site, you can now find them on this site. As soon as I have time for it I will re-scan and edit the image in my guide and have a better one available. -I never scanned it because I hate this image, I think they look really badMelora
g-winter-clothes.jpgWinter Clothes787 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. Notes: A random Hylian man in a winter hat and tunicMelora
Girlink andthe Lizalfos.jpg
Girlink andthe Lizalfos.jpgGirlink andthe Lizalfos290 viewsthis was just a pic I wanted to draw of what I thought Girlink would look like as a hylian.
shes being stalked by a lizalfos.
to me the back ground still didn't come out looking very good.but ohwell,I'm not that good at backgrounds..HOPE YOU LIKE IT GL!!..,and if you want I could add you to my fanfic,if you wanted..I would just need back ground charector information.
6 commentsFyrborn
Girls_of_Hyrule.pngGirls of Hyrule307 viewsI actually did this as an ID on devianART, where my sn is Lock-of-Hyrule. Where as I USED to sighn my pics with "Mystic Dragon" or, if some remeber from WAY back when, as "Flaming Dragon", I have changed my sig to a simple "LoH" design. I am LinkFan here, but I do prefer my LoH screen name.

Taht's Red Shock Lock, and Mel (me) the Hylian Knight. Both are (c) to me.

This took about 5 hours in the Gimp, and the proportions are a bit off. I'm still practicing my CG work. Once I get some new hand drawn work uploaded, then things might look a little better ^^;
goldhylian.gif2062 viewsThe golden symbol of the Hylia.
gor copy.jpg
gor copy.jpgGor rough sketch931 viewsOk, it's my duty to tell you that Gor is actually a guy, even if he's wearing girl's clothes here X3
You can guess that he also likes boys. The problem is that boys and girls want him and he's kinda shy. But don't let looks deceive you, even if he looks frail he's actually quite a formidable swordfigther
4 commentsdan heron
Great_Aeross.JPGAeross the Sky Guardian289 viewsI am Aeross the Sky Guardian. I have protected and served the Ishchi family for many centuries. When the evil emperor invaded the Great Land and he has locked me away inside my own temple until a Hylian young man named Link freed me. I sense a great protential from this hero and I shall serve him to defeat Necrosis once for all. 6 commentsDivine_Link
hgrbs.jpgHylian Guard463 viewsRequested by Sora. Kinda sketchy.2 commentsWel
hylain.jpgHylain Guard503 viewsOk, I havent posted in a long time, but just to show that I am still working on zelda design, Here is a hylain guard. Nothing out of the ordinary went in to drawing this, but it did take quite awhile to get the armor to look right, and to look in a way that he wouldnt be too restricted to movement. I tried to keep the roman-esque feel of the hylians from oot, but also added thier own little style of armor. I decided silver armor and black cloth would look really cool, and the triforce symbol on the chest plate could be bronze, or gold. Hope you like it, comment any changes that should be made.7 commentsBraxis
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