Search results - "q2" |
BHchallenge.gifBH's challenge512 viewswell, BH challenged us to color his outline of the Gilded Sword, and two people have already done so. So I thought to myself "With competition like this, what's the best way to compete? work outside the rules!" so rather than coloring the sword like BH asked us to, i modelled it in Q2Modeller, my 3d modeller of choice. the sword is extremely rough-hewn, because each and every vertex and triangle was done by hand. if i get some positive reception, i'll up the vertex count and skin it.Koroks Rock
gerudosheild1.jpgQ2 Gerudo Sheild629 viewsDirectly modeled after the OoT sheild, this 3D model is virtually vertex per vertex to the original. The only real issue is that my lighting engine doesn't support reflections, so the 64 version is infinitely better ingame. Do'h!Koroks Rock
Healthboost1.jpgQ2 Piece of Heart506 viewsThis is a simple health-boosting item in my game, but as you can tell, it is modelled after the life-expanding pieces of heart local to all the zelda games. it was actually quite a challenge to map out all the triangles without getting confused.Koroks Rock
hyruleshield1.jpgQ2 Hyrule Shield441 viewsThis is another 3D item i've whipped up, in direct emulation of the 64 version, just with a few more triangles and vertices. I realize it doesn't look like much without the skin, but it was one of my first Q2 projects, and I'm proud of it.Koroks Rock
QuadMask1.jpgQ2 Majora's Mask664 viewsThis is yet another 3D model I made for my Zelda game, using Q2Modeller. I'm using Q2 because it's the only 3D format my game engine will run, which is handy because Q2 is open source. Unforetuneatly it means i have to skin it seperately.
Anyhoo, the idea is to place the Mask frugally in high combat areas. Once the mask is grabbed it will give 4x the offensive strength to the bearer for a limited amount of time. Koroks Rock
slingshot.gifQ2 Slingshot Wireframe570 viewsYet another screenshot from q2modeller, This one shows off my newest weapon, the slingshot. It's been a singulary difficult design, because of the reloading frames not working right, and also my pathetic hand-making skills.
All told though, I'm rather proud of it- it's been quite a job and i've gotten decent results. 59 frames of loaded and firing slingshot.Koroks Rock
triforce1.jpgTrifoce Q2559 viewsIn my Zelda game, I use the Triforce as a switch sprite: ie, you find the triforce and the level ends --> find trifoce and door opens. It's one of the simplest models i've ever done, certainly the simplest I've done in q2modeller, the program i now use to model for my game.Koroks Rock