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!!SIG!!!.gifLink vs. Ganondorf sig1095 viewsThis is Kind of like the battle against ganondorf in Ocarina of Time. I just couldn't find a sprite showed ganondorf using his cape so i made that wierd block. Plus their aren't any light arrows involved. So it is only like the battle against ganondorf in the power ball way. Except that he didn't charge the really powerful ball. Oh, well. It is just a power ball volley i guess.20 commentsMysticWarriorTai
3goddesses.JPGgolden goddesses160 viewsThe way that the 3 golden gods are going to look like in my fan-fic. A bit of info on the 3 sisters. The battle ax Din is holding is to show her great power, and it's also for cutting down hordes of other worldly beasts. Din is usually has a good control of her feelings, but when she's angry she could kill anything. Farore is a mute so she communicates through thought speech, and is a master at bending peoples minds to her will. Nayru, although it might not look like it, is a master swordsman, and can beat anyone at a swearing contest. By age Din is the oldest, Farore is the middle child, and Nayru is the youngest.
Nayru, Din, and Farore (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
The smudge in the upper right please ignore it. It's where I messed up and didn't have an eraser.
3 commentshauu13
AkakoandDeity.jpgKissing330 viewsHA! I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S BOSS UPLOADER! BOOYA!! >}
*sees everyone look at her werid* Umm.....*straches the back of her neck* hehehehe nice day is it? ^^;; *sees them pointing toward the picture* oh...
OH, um...well this is the one that I have been working on for quite sometime. Um, sorry that Akako's hair isn't long like it should be...I wanted Deity's had to be shown...Anyway this is Akako's night dress. She would apparently sleep in this dress at night in her Caslte. And as for Deity? IDK why he's kissing her while she's in her night dress...YOU ladies can figure that out ;)

Akako © by: Me
Fierce Deity Link © by: Shigeru Miyamoto
Zelda © by: Nintendo
8 commentsAmy122
Anni 001.jpg
Anni 001.jpgChichimara Sketches...Again646 viewsEvil! There is no way in which to describe the ease at which he can transform. In the story (and the storyBOARD) he has taken many forms, including a fish, a dragon a rhino, and the chimera (shown here)Malon Aniku
anniversary_grey.pngAnniversary404 viewsA bg made for ZLFF's first anniversary, it shows a greyscale Link and Tetra with some simple text. Both Link and Tetra have been somewhat altered in Photoshop.1 commentsKoroks Rock
beach2.jpg4261 views Marin finding Link washed up on Koholint Island, with more of the storm clouds shown.
B_F_F_L!3~0.jpgBest Friends!392 viewsThis pic shows Midna & Zelda together in a kawaii (cute) friendship pose! I like this picture! ;)4 commentsPrincess of Twilight
chariot.jpgThe Chariot587 viewsThis is the forth card I have done for the Majora's Mask tarot card set. The chariot is meant to be a triumphal car, so I figured that Link would be perfect, and what other horse could be pulling the car but Epona? The wheels are slightly noticeable -_-; I hope you can see the chariot form... It also shows the moon and sun symbols that are meant to be in this card, and also, it's meant to have two horses, but since Link has only one... well, you get it. The legend reads "Sensha" (tank, military vehicle) Thanks for for the font.8 commentsMalu CLBS
dancing.gifAoL Link Dancing483 viewsNot my prettiest animation (i hate the colors, even though I adjusted the some), but it conveys a mood that I wanted to show visually.3 commentsKoroks Rock
dark.PNGDark Zelda122 viewsShe looks like the Grudge in the middle pic, I swear it wasn't on purpose. A little background info on my interpretations of the "Dark" characters; They'realbinos that dye their hair, and are able to become part of the darkness and reappear in another patch of darkness like what the pic in the middle shows. They have long, sharp fangs, some of which are venomous. And almost every "light" person has a "dark" counterpart that acts in the same manner toward other "darks" as the "light" people. (For example, Dak Zelda and Dark Vio would be attracted to one another, and Dark Blue and Dark Link/Green would hate each other.) That's it.
Dark Zelda (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
5 commentshauu13
evil one.jpg
evil one.jpgthe evil Mask270 viewsWell im trying to explain that the majors mask wasn't the only evil mask link had a evil mask 2 the point of this link couldn't control the power of the mask so Theres the flames in the backgrownd showing the mask like in zelda 21 commentsWhite_werewolf
evil.jpgEvil610 viewsThis girl always gave me the creeps, especially with the music that it plays when you see her. So instead of trying to make her look cool, i tried to show her for what she really is, EVIL!!! If you have any suggestions please email me commentsdude_thats_evil
eye_of_truth.jpgThe Eye of Truth124 viewsIf anyone out there reads my fic, I know the description of what happens when they use the lens of truth is a bit vague, so this is something i drew to show what happens, the red and blue in the center is the person's eye to help clarify things1 commentsblackphoenix365
finally[2].jpg"Finally"194 viewsFrom the end of my trliogy currently in work. This shows the reunion of my original charater Zin and Princess Laurina. Read the first part in the fan fiction section "Calling of the Master Sword" This pictures is one of the best sketches I've ever done, and i plan to get more of my art on the PC once I'm able to use my friend's scanner again.1 commentsmidnightkey267
fire.PNGVaati 116 viewsThis is what happens when I listen to Hell is For Children. Vaati's in the pic because the song is about chld abuse, and my background for Vaati shows him as an abused child.
Vaati (c) nintendo
Hell is For Children (c) Pat Benatar
art (c) hauu13
5 commentshauu13
ganon.PNGGanondorf139 viewsI have no idea where he is, maybe the Forsaken Fortress... Yeah, that's it! It's Wind Waker Ganondorf before he grew a beard. Or it could be OOT Ganondorf wearing WW's get-up. (This shows how much thought I put into my drawings...)
Ganondorf (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
4 commentshauu13
GANONDONE.pngGanon - from the LOZ cartoon200 viewsI made this for a contest - I'm not entirely sure I followed the rules - since it was supposed to show Link being defeated by some monster or other...

gerudolink_inked.jpgGerudo Link... meh.274 viewsBehold. What if Link were a gerugo... big "what if". Anywho, I'm a-thinkin' of writing a fic where Link is a Gerudo, and the antagonist... well, sorta. Probably for all of 2 or 3 chapters. XD

So aanyway, "if he's a Gerudo", I thought "he has to have stuff on his clothing that will show that." So I goggled up a piccy of Ganon and copied his generic Gerudo rattern onto some of Link's garments.

Ah, the cleverness of me!

Nestled in his hand he has 3 throwing knives. And a scar on his cheeck from some random battle. And his cloak is tattered because I luff tattered cloacks.^^
1 commentsaquawolf
Gilded Sword.png
Gilded Sword.pngBH's Gilded Sword Challenge424 viewsThere is no offical art of the Gilded sword so I took it upon myself to make an art peice of it. I got in way over my head, all I had to go by were crappy screen shots. I tryed to color it but nothing I did looked right, I think I might have finally pushed paint too far this time. All I have to show is the outline of it.
So I leave it to you who are blessed with programs like photoshop and paintshop to finished what I started. BH's Gilded Sword Challenge has begun, now go and color like you've never colored before!!!!
7 commentsbounty hunter
goron 2.jpg
goron 2.jpgGoron 2438 viewsIts been awhile since Ive uploaded anything, so I decided to show this little doodle. Its a basic goron, which are quickly becoming easier to draw now that I have a set apperance for them. The sword design is a little wacky, and not anything a goron would most likely use, but I was bored, so I just went a bit crazy. We'll just say this is a weapon he obtained as a spoil of war, collected from teh battlefield.8 commentsBraxis
gsg-daniela-guide.jpgLink's Guide3184 viewsSources: Scanned and contributed by Daniela, from the Official Link's Awakening German Player's Guide! Notes: Link's Owl guide showing him the way. Done in the same style as the Japanese art also in the US players guides. I'm happy to see there is so much more out there.Melora
gumball2.jpg"Gumball" Cover 2.0566 viewsWell, i managed to fix the gallery (w00t!) and so now i can show you the very nearly finished version of A Goron Stole My Gumball cover. This is directly based off of Feldon's sketch, and follows it closely, with a few small changes. Basically, i just added textures and shading. i used some non-commercial textures by two friends named DG and Sock, and then editted them appropriately. i use their stuff a lot, it saves me a huge amount of work. The moon is a picture of the moon i took a while ago, color adjusted for this pic.

Now, almost all that's left is to get the text colors right. Feldon, I need your input for this :) Input from anyone else would be great too, I'm sure there are lots of tweaks i can do.
3 commentsKoroks Rock
hamsterdancesmall.pngThe Hamster Dance622 viewsYes!! It's done!! =o= See, I had to do each of them one at a time 'cause when I drew the first three, I didn't have enough room on the paper, so Vio and Shadow were scanned on a separate piece of paper.

Teh five Links doing the hamster dance! =P That's a great song! It just gets you dancing ^ ^ I done them in the kind of clothes those Ham Ham group singers from the Hamtaro movies wear =P

Mweh heh, they all got hamster ears and a little tail, as Shadow's showing off =P Looks like Vio and Shadow are playing Rock, Paper, Scissors at the same time o.o

Red, Green, Blue, Shadow and Vio (c) Akira Himekawa
Art (c) Me
Steal or claim as your own and I will eat your soul and then your eyes!!
4 commentsKeitii
hits copy.jpg
hits copy.jpg100 000 hits in DA1090 viewsCommemoration pic for my 100k in Deviant Art X3
A pc with lots of blood and gore and cute girls!!!
hee hee, well, if you have seen my stuff for a while, you know that all my female characters kick ass, bash skulls and blow the shit out of anybody who messes with them. I have many crazy girls who are, well crazy, and would paint the city red, but I decided to show you a more balanced team.
Hikagi, Carid and Aliku (yay, more Alikuness! ). Dont ever make them angry, unless you want a slow and painful death X3
Hikagi uses steel tonfas, and as you can see, she enjoys playing with them. Carid uses a kompei (not sure if I spelled it right ^-^; ) and, besides of her brute force, she has psychokinetic powers, that's why she's floating. Aliku, now with her tantos <3 she loves them to death ^^

Hikagi: Otay! Who's next! "giggle" <3
Carid: Hmmm, that's one of my best jobs.
Aliku: And for mah next trick, Ah'm gonna need teh help of you sir!"

Hikagi, Carid, Aliku, Harincos, Ayikes (c) ME!!!!!
8 commentsdan heron
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