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12-16-2004 05;50;29PM.JPG
12-16-2004 05;50;29PM.JPGGoron Link137 views1 commentsTheFullmetal
f97b0ada.jpgCartoon Knuckle137 viewsWow, it does look cartoony. Lol I was just screwin' around w/ some pics earlier then I thought I should do some other pics.Mystery_Girl
Happy_Birthday__by_Red_Fan.jpgHappy Birthday?137 viewsA birthday picture I did for a friend I long time ago.2 commentsRed_Fan
IM_A0037.JPGBlue Link137 viewsRinku no ai...aka, blue Linkzeldaiskoollink
Link_3.pngTwilight Link137 viewsLink from TP6 commentsangel of light
ng.jpgGanondorf as a Nightmaren137 viewsI'm obsessed with drawing Nightmarens, they're so neat! And yeah, this is a Nightmaren Ganondorf. And the thing he's holding is the Ace of Spades, which signifies death in fortune telling with cards. I was originally going to have him hold a Persona (mask), but realized that would make him too much like Reala! I might color this someday, but then again I might not.
Ganondorf (c) nintendo
Nightmaren (c) sega
art (c) hauu13
6 commentshauu13
This_World_is_Yours_by_Yuese.pngThis Worl is Yours137 viewsLink and Tetra from TWW
This is a little art for Princessoftwilight, I hope that you liked it ^^
3 commentsangel of light
Very_much_alike_by_Nenilein.jpgThe Master-Sword Girl and the Queen of Fairies.137 viewsThe (yet hypotetical) Master Sword girl from the artwork of the new Zelda Game for Wii and the Queen of Fairies from Wind Waker. I had to draw them together, since they look a great deal alike.
I wonder what "Master Sword Girl" will be like...
7 commentsNenilein
chibishadow.jpgChibi Shadow for Princess of Twilight136 viewsHere it is Princess of Twilight! I hope you like it! Oh and the blonde girl, that's me! But I don't have ears like those, or do I?
Shadow (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
2 commentshauu13
hplj.jpgLink_Rules_All's request: Link Jr. VS. Harry Potter136 viewsThe camera made it come out horrible! And the fact that I sketched it and didn't darken the lines made it so the camera missed some lines. And yeah. LJ is on the bad sie of the pic when it come to quality... And he looks feminine... And NiGHTS is in the background chasing Octopaw. I have no idea why I put those two in the background though, it was really random... And Harry's saying Expelliamus (sp?)... Hope you like it LRA, but I won't blame you if you don't...
L.J. (c) LRA
Harry Potter (c) J.K. Rowling
NiGHTS, Octopaw (c) sega
art (c) hauu13
16 commentshauu13
Linky.png† Link †136 viewsYup,my first pic with Link(OoT style).I think it's very awful.
Soon I will color it...
2 commentsLegendary_Zelda
LRA_Concept-001.PNGLRA Sword Ideas136 viewsUmm had these brilliant ideas to start off with then I hit a major blockage and couldn't think of anything else to make these work. But here's what I have so far.
Darkness Blade on top, needs new grip and I have to figure out a way to blend the sword to the handle.
Triforce Blade or Courage/Wisdom/Power Blades, need to decide if I want to go with my first idea with this or try something new, all falls on a glow effect.
Light/Thunder Blade, this was actually a first attempt at the Darkness blade that went way wrong.. ^_^;
1 commentsParaclete
one_half.pngMajora's Mask Magic WIP136 viewsI'll just leave this here.

Haven't been here in a little while! Just thought I'd show this off a little before I finish, since I'm so silly.
2 commentsTeevo
SWORD.PNGAkako's Sword136 viewsI had this laying around in my pictures, I never got to complete it. It seems to me that half of the blade is needs some sort of Design.....I"m not sure what kind...

Princess Akako © by: me
4 commentsAmy122
vio.PNGVio136 viewsThis is a handwritten pictue drawn straight from the Four Swords Manga.1 commentsLink_Rulez
Wizzrobe.jpgCarock the Wizzrobe136 viewsThe leader of the Wizzrobes, Carock is the high priest of Ganon in my fan fiction. I modeled him after the LoZ official art for the Wizzrobe. I tried to make him more intimidating than his AoL form by giving him sharp claws and a staff.Person
WoodlandFortress1024-2.jpgThe Kokiri Fortress136 views"In days long past, the children of the forest known as the Kokiri were numerous. Here it was that they amassed to fight for the ancient lords of the wood."

This piece was inspired by a location called the "Kokiri Fortress" in a version of the strategic message board game "Hyrulean War" in the zelda forum at
3 commentsPsytronic
4.pngHappy Fourth of July135 viewsYes, I know it's a day late, but I was busy going insane with fireworks yesterday! So, Red's being his pyrotastic self and is running around with sparklers. He's gonna drop one and cause a fire... Prettyful colored firesticks!
Red (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
I do trades/requests/crossover drawings, that I do...
7 commentshauu13
8.PNGSymbol of the Silver Gods135 viewsThe symbol that represents Zenia and her brothers. It has no name yet, so I'm open to suggestions (Nothing with 'force' in it though). Yeah...
art, Symbol thing (c) hauu13
7 commentshauu13
9.PNGGreat Fairy from Twilight Princesss135 viewsHer hand looks terrible and her hips are a bit small... And yes, that's it.
Great Fairy (c) nintendo
art (c) hauu13
5 commentshauu13
beast-gannon.jpgGANNON TRANSFORMED135 viewscharacter design1 commentsdarklinkbeta200
Copy_(2)_of_scan0001.jpgLink and a smoking flower135 viewsHey my stupid computer wont let me upload the WHOLE picture so i had to crop it to this size.Leave comments,and let me know how i did,I cant draw AT ALL!!!9 commentszeldamovie?no!!!
Eth.jpgPrincess Ethina135 viewsHey ZL. It is I Divine_Link. I had no choice to create this account because I couldn't recover my password and I tried to reach the administrators and no reply at all. If there's a way to retreive a user's password please tell me. Really, really appreciate it.

Now onto my concept of my new character; Princess Ethina (Eth-thee-na) of the North has a gift to see to those can't see, many people seek her advice and voice of reason to decide. In the town of Drastar, the locals treat her very special and men tend to give her silk ribbons due to her passion for ribbons. During the quiet nights Ethina goes out and watch the stars for hours.

Princess Ethina © R.M.
5 commentsCaranthir Felagund
Goneru.jpgGoneru: The Darknut Commander135 viewsMy only original character, Goneru is the commander of Ganon's Darknut army.Person
3354 files on 140 page(s) 127