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Most viewed - A Link to the Past
sgr-melora-forest.jpgForest2806 viewsSources: Scanned, Edited, and Contributed by Melora. From the Shogakukan Kamigami no Triforce guides; The two with gold covers, one with red, and one with green.2 commentsMelora
kt-last-of-the-knights.jpgLast of the Knights2802 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. The Illustrator was possibly Katsuya Terada. Notes: Link, and his Uncle, we last in the line of Hyrule's Knights. This is Link waking up from Zelda's telepathic message only to find his Uncle already leaving to answer the call. Link was commanded to stay, but he later follows his Uncle into the stormy night and, finding him injured, takes up the quest.Melora
gsg-daniela-ganon.jpgGanon2778 viewsSources: Scanned and contributed by Daniela, from the Official German A Link to the Past Player's Guide!1 commentsMelora
kt-hyrules-people.jpgThe People of Hyrule2759 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. The Illustrator was possibly Katsuya Terada. Notes: A general scene showing a bustling marketplace full of Hyrule's People.1 commentsMelora
sgr-melora-quest.jpgQuest2708 viewsSources: Scanned, Edited, and Contributed by Melora. From the Shogakukan Kamigami no Triforce guides; The two with gold covers, one with red, and one with green.1 commentsMelora
gsg-daniela-linkvsagahnim.jpgLink vs Agahnim2656 viewsSources: Scanned and contributed by Daniela, from the Official German A Link to the Past Player's Guide!Melora
kt-imprisoned.jpgImprisoned2617 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. The Illustrator was possibly Katsuya Terada. Notes: After killing off most of his followers in lust for the Triforce, Ganondorf Dragmire, or Mandrag Ganon (Ganon of the Enchanted Thieves) was sealed away by the Knights and Wise Men of Hyrule.Melora
z3manual-05-06.jpg2592 views
linksleep2.jpg2580 views Princess Zelda's telepathic message waking up Link.1 comments
kt-agahnim.jpgAgahnim2543 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. The Illustrator was possibly Katsuya Terada.1 commentsMelora
sgr-melora-mountain.jpgMountain2541 viewsSources: Scanned, Edited, and Contributed by Melora. From the Shogakukan Kamigami no Triforce guides; The two with gold covers, one with red, and one with green.1 commentsMelora
kt-land-of-hyrule.jpgLand of Hyrule2500 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. The Illustrator was possibly Katsuya Terada. Notes: A landscape of the Kingdom of Hyrule.Melora
sg-beno-p219.jpgFighting2500 viewsSources: Scanned, Edited, and Contributed by Beno from the Shogakukan Game Book. It has a white cover with black text, and link holding a sword.5 commentsMelora
b-creation.jpgCreation2496 viewsSources: Image from the Link to the Past Instruction Booklet. Scanned and Edited by Melora. Notes: A painting of the Goddesses creating HyruleMelora
gsg-daniela-link.jpgLink Running2495 viewsSources: Scanned and contributed by Daniela, from the Official German A Link to the Past Player's Guide!Melora
sgr-melora-view.jpgView2444 viewsSources: Scanned, Edited, and Contributed by Melora. From the Shogakukan Kamigami no Triforce guides; The two with gold covers, one with red, and one with green.1 commentsMelora
veiw-heras-tower.jpgTower of Hera2375 viewsSources: Scanned and Edited by Melora- Sorry it's so tiny and blurry, I really need a better source than my tiny Japanese guide. Notes If you have a better image of this that you can give me permission to use, please send it to me Link on Spectacle Rock, wondering how to get into Hera's Tower.Melora
sba-master-sword.jpgMaster Sword2365 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. Notes: Link drawing the Master Sword.1 commentsMelora
sg-beno-p207.jpg2365 viewsSources: Scanned, Edited, and Contributed by Beno from the Shogakukan Game Book. It has a white cover with black text, and link holding a sword.2 commentsMelora
gsg-daniela-towerofhera.jpgThe Tower of Hera2357 viewsSources: Scanned and contributed by Daniela, from the Official German A Link to the Past Player's Guide!Melora
sg-beno-p192.jpgLink in the Dark World2348 viewsSources: Scanned, Edited, and Contributed by Beno from the Shogakukan Game Book. It has a white cover with black text, and link holding a sword.6 commentsMelora
kt-seven-wise-men.jpgThe Seven Wise Men2275 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. The Illustrator was possibly Katsuya Terada. Notes: The Seven Wise Men. In later versions I believe they are called sages, but it's apparent here that they are all men... Or very hairy women1 commentsMelora
sg-beno-darkworldatlas.jpgHyrule Dark World Atlas2269 viewsSources: Scanned, Edited, and Contributed by Beno from the Shogakukan Game Book. It has a white cover with black text, and link holding a sword.1 commentsMelora
WitchCabin.gif2268 viewsIron Knuckle
1673 files on 70 page(s) 2