Most viewed - A Link to the Past |
linkslash.jpg1318 viewsLink slashing away with his sword.
linkpot.jpg1313 viewsLink holding a pot above his head.
linkmad.jpg1308 viewsAnother version of above image.
g-armor.jpgArmor1301 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. Notes: A random suit of armorMelora
s-mire-monster.jpgMire Monster1292 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. Notes: This monster found in Misery Mire just might be a type of Lanmola.Melora
s-kiki.jpgKiki1290 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. Notes: In the Dark World, Kiki will help you open the Dark Palace door, for a fee- kiki!
agahnim.jpg1285 viewsAgahnim casting a spell.
sg-beno-p229.jpgLight Blind's Room1282 viewsSources: Scanned, Edited, and Contributed by Beno from the Shogakukan Game Book. It has a white cover with black text, and link holding a sword.Melora
top_secrets_1.jpg1282 viewsOne side of the "Top Secrets" booklet included with the first version of ALttP. Submitted by EvilGiegue.
treasure-chest.jpgTreasure Chest1266 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by MeloraMelora
agahnim.gif1258 viewsAgahnim the evil wizard.
villager.jpg1254 viewsAn old, wise villager.
g-fairy-statue.jpgFairy Statue1252 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by MeloraMelora
map-light-world-revised.jpgLight World Map (revised)1240 viewsSources: Image from the Official Link to the Past Nintendo Player's Guide. Scanned and Edited by Melora. Notes: I edited out a bunch of the un-needed linesMelora
linkbow.jpg1236 viewsLink shooting an arrow.
link.gif1230 viewsLink (sprites).
z3-50-51.jpg1230 views
uncle.jpg1214 viewsLink's uncle.
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