Top rated - Link (ALttP) |
linkmad2.jpg2874 viewsLarger version of the above image. (7 votes)
linkbow2.jpg1585 viewsLarger version of the above image. (3 votes)
linkbow.jpg1236 viewsLink shooting an arrow. (2 votes)
link.gif1230 viewsLink (sprites). (10 votes)
linkslash.jpg1318 viewsLink slashing away with his sword. (1 votes)
linkpot.jpg1313 viewsLink holding a pot above his head. (1 votes)
linkmad.jpg1308 viewsAnother version of above image. (1 votes)
linkrest.jpg1730 viewsLink resting under a tree. (3 votes)
linkswim.jpg1199 viewsLink swimming. (2 votes)
linkpower.jpg1645 viewsLink powering up his sword. (1 votes)
linkshield.jpg1467 viewsLink blocking a rock projectile with his shield. (1 votes)
linkfall.jpg1929 viewsLink falling. (1 votes)
linkmad.gif1750 viewsA classic shot of Link. (1 votes)