Fan Fiction

New Triforce

By Nekolink
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Chapter 1: A New Triforce?

Note:Contains fictional charaters,spoilers, and I think you know the rest.
(I Hope)

In in a place called Hyrule which we all know about lives Link,Zelda,Minda,Saria,and Navi but little did the land of Hyrule now that it was getting another hero.
Mrs.Preston class seventh period in the future sits the most unlikely of heros. Miss Karin Yukio. A punk rocker never really obeyed rules espically her stupid father\'s rules. Never made really good grades either. The final bell rang and Karin was the first to dart out of the room becoming a red blur.
You see she had to visit her brother at his dig site about old kingdom they found. She loved her brother and loved his job she wanted to be exactly like him in every way.
The gate opened for her and she smiled rushing in to see her wounderful brother.
\"Kusmi!\" She waved to her brother on top of a old ruined temple peice. Her brother waved back.
\"Wearing the same red hostpial shirt and skinny black jeans I see.\" Kusmi smiled knowing he had won.
\"Well you know like the drab look.\"Karin laughed happily. She was sliding down the hill with the side of her combat boots and fell into a dark hole. The last thing she remembered of her world was her brother calling her name from the top of the hole.
Karin landed on soft grass.Or as we know it....
Scared Grove.

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  • Chapter 1: A New Triforce?