Fan Fiction


By myzeldamyrules
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Chapter 1: The Nightmare and The Living Nightmare

One false move and I'm dead. I thought, being forced back another step. I turned my head to get a better view behind me. A cliff edge. Nothing but that. Great. "What do you want from me?" I screamed at the boy dressed in black. His sword was pressed against my throat, and I could feel the dark aura coming from him. "To join me. If you do, I will be one step closer to defeating Link. If you refuse, you shall die." He grinned wickedly. "No!" I shouted. "I don't know who Link is! For all I know, he could be an innocent man! I will not help you take someone's life!" The blade dug deeper. "Oh, come on, Ebeline." He said. "Please." I grimaced. "How do you know my name?" Try to keep him distracted. I thought, trying to come up with more questions. "I know things. Now choose!" "But why would you want me?" "CHOOSE!" He shouted, sending a chill down my back. "I will never join you!" He looked me in the eyes. "Very well. I will enjoy seeing you perish." "NO!" I screamed, but I was already falling backward, the air whooshing around me.

I sat up, feeling sweat run down my forehead. The same nightmare again. I sighed and got out of bed. "Who is that boy?" I thought aloud. "I must find out." I got dressed and carefully put my dagger in it's pocket, hidden by my cloak. Walking outside, I took in the scent of hay and the sound of small birds. My house, which was in a small area surrounded by trees, sat on a small hill in the outskirts of the Hylian countryside. It was a peaceful little place. I smiled and made my way toward the stable. I mounted my horse, Pyuni, and began to ride down the path. I pushed Pyuni into a gallop, and felt the wind blow through my hair. A big grin spread across my face. All of my troubles seemed small, like needlepoints. I could hear the flow of the river, and more birds. But suddenly, my moment of joy is drained out. My smile faded away slowly. Before me, all the land was gray. No other color at all. I rode forward cautiously, taking a good look around. No more birds sang. The sun seemed to be giving off no light. Dismounting Pyuni, I walked forward. There sat a cliff. The rest of the path leading to the castle was gone. "Going somewhere, Ebeline?" I turned around, and the nightmare came crashing down on top of me.

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  • Chapter 1: The Nightmare and The Living Nightmare