Fan Fiction

The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Holders

By coasty30
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Chapter 30: In These Halls there are no Walls

In these Halls there are no Walls

Sighing loudly at her reflection in the silver mirror, the Lady Princess Zelda, High Councilor of the North was starting to feel the strain of her duties and she had not even sat council once yet. The day of her arrival had been a very troubled and tiring day that had not ended well, and her stay at the residence of Lord Harrensole left her weary of every sound and shadow. She stood alone in the room, the morning light shining in over the rooftops of the city of Nautalin and gleamed off of the polished mirror; her dress was modest for royalty but still made of the fine fabric and silks and was mostly white with green vine like embroidery on the dress and on the bodice. Zelda’s face was pale with her lips painted a bright red and highlights around her eyes and her hair had been braided with silver ribbons and a pearl circlet on her forehead. Two knocks on the door broke the silence of Zelda’s troubles and seeing the door’s reflection in the mirror.

“Yes.” She called, surprised by how small and childlike her voice was and she was about the say it again with more confidence but the sound of the door unlatching stopped her. The door inched open slowly and in the mirror Zelda saw an old man cradling a wooden chest tucked under his chin and several folded papers under his arms.

“Good morning, my Princess.” Paldnor said doing his best to be courteous with his arms so overloaded.

“I see you are taking well to your new position as my scribe, Master Paldnor.” She said turning and gesturing to the desk that was opposite wall from the window. “Over here.”

“It is an honor to, Princess, an honor indeed.” Paldnor grunted as he placed the wooded chest on the desk. The chest the Paldnor carried had been filled with wax-sealed letters for the Princess and at that moment Zelda had asked Paldnor to be her scribe as Lord Frulif had recommended and since then he had busied himself with the contents of the chest.

“You are done reading these already?” Zelda asked walking to the desk that the old man had placed the chest on.

“Mostly, Princess.” He answered as he leafed through a pile of papers that still had some remnants of the wax that sealed them. “Fortunately many of them are worded quite the same however.” He said as he pulled a letter with gold trim and fine flowing calligraphic handwriting. “This is an invitation.” Paldnor said handing the note to Zelda.

“I was expecting this, Master Paldnor.” She answered taking it from the old man’s hand. “It is from Honored Knight Sir Barodon Dalenon it is his formal invitation to Rutone for Solstice.” Zelda said looking over the letter. “You shall send a letter accepting his invitation.” Paldnor quickly took the letter back.

“Immediately, my princess.” He answered with a quick bow.

“I will sign it before you send it of course.” Zelda added and Paldnor nodded in acknowledgement. “Also…” Zelda interrupted. “Request an armed escort from the Honored Knight.” She said quietly as though unsure of her statement.

“You do not think that….. Link can?” Paldnor uttered confused by the Princess’s words.

“Worry not, Paldnor.” Zelda said again looking at her reflection in the mirror. “It is not a lack of faith in Link, old man.” She answered looking at him through the mirror. “I do not believe that Lord Councilor Alromon is done with us.” She added staring at her pale reflection. “But I am surely done with him. I make my own decisions.” A knock at the door interrupted any further discussions. “Enter.” Zelda called and Link stepped though. He was wearing the dark green jerkin and leather britches that Zelda had had made for him and though it was now several weeks old his still had the gleam as though it were just made.

“Good morning, Zelda.” He said with a bow and faint light came from his cloak. “And to you, Paldnor.” He added as Aera flew out from his cloak.

“Good morning to you, Link.” She said and then turned her attention to Aera. “You have eaten?” Zelda asked her face stern and seamless as polished porcelain as the little fairy hovered several feet above her head. “Have you?” She asked meeting Area’s tiny eyes.

“Y…Yes.” The fairy answered slowly floating down to eye level.

“Good.” She said and then raised her slender hand to her hair. “My maid worked very hard to put this in here.” Pushing the braided bun aside there was a small space that was perfectly concealed. “I expect you to be quiet while we are in the council chamber.” The fairy gave Zelda a confused look. “The Great Fairy gave you a duty to perform.” There was silence as Aera stared at the void in the Princess’s hair.

“The council meets very soon, Zelda.” Link said folding his hands behind his back.

“Very well.” Aera relented in her high voice and flew over to Zelda’s shoulder and then climbed into her hair. In a moment her hair was straitened and the fairy was hidden.

“Shall we go?” Zelda asked and Link nodded.

“The Lords are already gathering.” Link said standing near the door.

“Then you should be off!” Paldnor said further emptying the chest of letters.

“No, Master Paldnor.” Zelda said putting her hand on his arm stopping him. “I have sent for porters to move us to my residence.” This time, Paldnor gave a confused look.

“Princess?” He asked as Zelda took her hand from his.

“I have had enough of Lord Harrensole’s hospitality and our delayed arrival here means that my household is only a few days away.” Zelda answered and Paldnor looked concerned.

“We may offend Lord Harrensole, Princess. You’ll lose his support.” Paldnor said as she walked passed him.

“I doubt that I ever had it.” She answered not looking at him.

“Very well, my Princess. I shall have to letter to Sir Dalenon ready by tonight.” Link opened the door for Zelda as she approached.

“Thank you, Master Paldnor.” She said this time in a tone that expressed more joy than she currently felt. Paldnor bowed and Link looked to the old man.

“I will see you later my friend.” Link said and closed the door behind him.

The two were silent as they walked the halls to the wing of the domed palace that held the council chamber. Link could feel the stressed beating of her heart.

“All will be well.” Link said as they walked and Zelda sighed closing her eyes.

“I wish I could be certain of that.” She returned the façade of joy that she had shown Paldnor now gone. “I long for this to be over already.” She uttered quickening her pace.

“Why?” Link asked catching up to her.

“Lord Fruliff sent word to me that some of the council lords took offence to my late arrival.” She explained quietly to him though Link’s attention was now elsewhere. “I hear that…”

“Zelda, be silent!” Link uttered quietly stopping in the middle of the arched hallway.

“Link?” Zelda said her voice full of concern.

“We are being watched.” He said barely moving his lips. “Continue on but say no more.” Link added with a quick gesture to the other end of the hall. “Say nothing Aera.” He rasped even quieter. Link glanced quickly around the corridor the large windows lit it well but also made long shadows down the length of the hall it was from these that Link felt his unease.

Saying nothing more, Zelda proceeded on the way to the council chambers with Link in tow, by navigating a maze of dusty corridors lined with wood framed paintings and suits of armor. Zelda felt a sense of unease that she was certain Link felt as well and her suspicions were confirmed as she managed a glance over her right shoulder to see a scornful look on her guardian’s face. The silence frustrated Zelda and she decided to that she wanted to know what it was that worried him.

“Link, what happened?” She whispered uncertain if he had even heard her but his answer came quickly.

“Someone was following us.” He answered muttering quickly.

“I saw no one. Not a soul.” She said in whisper slightly louder than before.

“Nor I.” Link agreed. “But they were I assure you.” His tone doused any doubt that Zelda may have had in Link’s suspicions.

“Link! How will….” She started but wink quietly cut in.

“Worry not, my fair princess. I shall alleviate this from your burdens.” His answered was followed by loud and frantic whistles and clicks that came from Zelda’s hair.

“Ouch!” Zelda called suppressing her desire to scratch that back of her scalp where the little fairy was moving and pulling.

“All will be well, Aera.” Link reassured and Zelda felt the pulling stop and the little woman became still.

“The Council chamber is this way.” She said as they passed a corner and they could see that there were a great many Lords and their guardians gathered lost in conversation as they waited for the session to begin. “Say nothing and be still, Aera.” Zelda muttered to her hair and then proceeded towards the group of lords. Link followed closely behind her noted that here she was different then before her pace was slower and her dress hardly moved as she walked as though she were floating rather than walking. In moments, Zelda was nearing the bulk of the group and immediately her presence was acknowledged by many bows.

“Lady Princess.” An older gray bearded man in red silk robes said bowing and Zelda curtsied in reply, Link followed with a low bow.

“Lady Princess.”

“Lady Princess.”

“Lady Princess.” Many others followed suit as Zelda returned that bows with curtsies and joined the group of council Lords waiting outside of large arched double doors that led to the council chamber The Hall with No Walls. Zelda quickly located Lord Frulif by spotting the towering Sir Longhammer in the crowd.

“Good morning to you, Lord Frulif.” She said to the old man who smiled and bowed as she approached. “And to you, Sir Longhammer.” He also smiled showing his grandfatherly warmness.

“Ah, good morning, Lady Princess. You look well.” Lord Frulif said to her and looked to Link. “Sir Link.” He said and Link bowed.

“How soon until we convene?” She asked looking both to the double doors and also around at the gathered Lords.

“Shortly.” Lord Frulif answered. “There will be a few moments of ceremony before the session actually begins.” He explained as Zelda continued to look at the other Lords.

“Ceremony?” She uttered taking a quick look to Lord Frulif.

“Yes and it is done every time I suggest you accustom yourself to it.” He said as Zelda again looked at the gathered Lords stopping when she saw who she was looking for. The scarred face of Lord Alromon stood out among the other council Lords as he was younger and had stronger appearance. He was standing with his guardian Siam who looked in her direction and Zelda was certain his serpent-like eyes watched her and Link. Lord Alromon seemed to conversing with several others and among them she could see Lord Harrensole and her anger started to grow.

“I will be leaving Lord Harrensole’s residence by tonight.” Zelda said not taking her eyes from the two Council Lords.

“A wise decision, Lady Princess.” Lord Frulif said looking in the same direction and Link came to Zelda’s side.

“I feel like such a fool.” Zelda said unable to look away.

“You were deceived, Zelda. Think nothing more of it.” Link said trying to reassure her.

“Forgive me, my friend, for that does not change anything.” She uttered finally looking away Lord Frulif was quick to try and brighten her mood.

“Lady Princess, before session you should meet someone.” Lord Frulif said offering her his hand as leaned on his cane.

“Who?” Zelda asked taking the old man’s hand as he started to lead her to a large group gathered near the double doors Link and Cintric Longhammer followed.

“Sir Rollingto Durive.” Lord Frulif said, leading Zelda towards the group.

“The Eye of the Council.” Zelda said and through the group she could see a black haired man who looked younger than the Lords gathered around him he wore robes of green and white and around his neck was a large pendant of the Triforce with a blue jeweled eye in the center. Many more Lords as well as their guardians bowed and greeted Zelda who acknowledged each one in turn as Lord Frulif led her through the crowd.

“Lord Frulif, good morning.” Sir Durive said bowing as they approached. “And to you, Lady Princess.” He said acknowledging the Princess and Zelda curtsied. “I am glad to see that you have arrived well, Lady Princess.” Sir Durive said as Zelda folded her hands in front of her.

“We ran afoul of the weather.” Zelda said knowing it was only a half truth and Sir Durive nodded. The high pitched tone of three cedar flutes cut through the room rendering the gathered Lords silent. Zelda looked to the large double doors that led to the council chambers, they stood ajar only slightly and three young women with long unbound hair wearing flowing lace robes were playing the flutes.

“It is time. I wish you luck, Lady Princess.” Zelda heard Sir Durive say though he was virtually drowned out by the flute players. “Good day, Lady Princess.” He added and then disappeared into the flow of people heading to the double doors. Zelda watched for moment and then looked behind her Link was still behind her.

“It is time.” Zelda said solemnly to him and Link nodded silently to her. She tried to hide the fear she felt as she took a deep breath and once again met eyes with Link. His look was soft and Zelda gained some strength from his look. “I will see you later.” She said to him and Link answered with a nod and Zelda slowly turned and walked to the large arched doorway that was now fully open.

The doorway led to an arched corridor that was quite different than the main hall that she had just been in. The walls of the corridor rose to high archways above as low hanging chandeliers provided light. Zelda walked with the other council Lords towards another set of large double doors.

“There you are, Lady Princess.” Zelda heard and the saw the old form of Lord Frulif standing next to the stone wall.

“Lord Frulif.” She said her voice high with surprise.

“Could you help an old man?” He asked leaning heavy on his walking stick and offering his hand.

“Yes.” Zelda answered her voice has sense of relief. “Absolutely, Lord Frulif.” She said taking the old man’s hand in hers.

“Sometimes the council chamber can be a little overwhelming.” He said as they walked in the direction of the double doors.

“Yes it can.” Zelda answered feeling more confident as they walked.

“Worry not, Lady Princess.” Lord Frulif said. “You will have your bearings soon enough.” He added to her with a smile.

“It would be good if I knew the direction I must travel.” Zelda said and the old man nodded.

“Aye indeed, but that is something I cannot help you with.” He answered as they passed into the council chamber. The main council chamber was an enormous room beneath the dome and sunlight shined in from four stained glass skylights in the dome. The movement in her hair was the first time that she had felt Aera do anything and Zelda had almost forgotten that the little fairy was with her and would be listening to what was said in the council chamber. Memories of when Aera had joined them entered Zelda’s mind and now she wondered if the Great Fairy’s motive were truly as innocent as she first believed. The council chamber was a circular and stepped that recessed into the floor to small podium that offered a grand view of the entire room and this was surrounded by smaller stone podiums that faced the central one and each position had a single oil lantern that was held up by a metal tube. Sir Durive had already taken his place at the central podium as well as several Lords had taken their positions. “You know of the lanterns?” Lord Frulif asked as they walked.

“Yes; it is how I show whether or not I offer my support to a motion.” She answered as they passed by several podiums of other lords. Each podium’s façade was had deep carvings of different scenes or people doing different trades and Zelda realized that these represented whom that lord represented. Lord Frulif stopped at a podium that was between podiums that had carvings of men cutting wheat and another with vines and depictions of wine makers.

“Here you are, Lady Princess.” He said leading her to the empty podium that had carvings of castle towers at its corners as well as horses running around the base with a castle wall in the background.

“Thank you.” Zelda answered looking at the podium that was hers and the scenes from the northern lands carved in it.

“There is a bit more ceremony before we start.” He added as Zelda stepped behind her podium. “It is best you observe and learn how the council works it is not difficult, you can speak your will but there is a code of etiquette that is to be respected.” He said leaning on his cane.

“I will.” Zelda answered quietly and Lord Frulif nodded and smiled to her before walking away to his podium. The air was filled with the hushed tones of Lords talking between while they stood at their podiums. Zelda looked next to her to see an older man well groomed black hair and a trimmed beard he stood strait at his podium. The man nodded curiously when he saw that Zelda was looking at him and she returned the gesture and then looked back towards the recessed center of the council hall. Standing at the circular podium, Sir Durive raised his hands and the whispering Lords fell silent. High pitched flute music cut the air again as it did outside the large doors to council hall and Zelda saw the three musicians standing at three points outside of the circle where the Lords podiums were. The song was brief and when it ended, it was Sir Durive’s turn to speak.

“Walls protect and defend.” His voice boomed and echoed off of the domed ceiling. “Those same walls can restrict and silence.” He paused again his arms still raised. “The council is complete. Let the voice not be silent.” With this pause Zelda saw Sir Durive take a deep breath. “In these halls there are no walls!”

“In these halls there are no walls.” The gathered lords repeated.

“The floor has been requested.” Sir Durive called out. “The eye sees to the Guild of the Shipwrights.” Zelda watched as the attention of the other lords turned to a podium on the other side of the room where a tall thin man with brownish-grey hair and a set of modest brown robes and he wore a gold medallion in the shape of an anchor.

“Commoner!” Zelda heard the lord next to her quietly mutter distastefully and Zelda glanced in his direction. There was silence as the Lord of the Guild of the Shipwrights arranged some items on his podium.

“Lord Dodus, the floor is yours.” Sir Durive reminded and Zelda saw the man she now knew as Lord Dodus smile and nod.

“It is good to see the council is now truly whole.” He said his voice now echoing in the domed hall. “The true power of council is present only when it is whole for it is a body that grows and strengthens.” Lord Dodus used his hands when he spoke. “This council is the answer to the chaos that was the past of this kingdom to insure the people of this land do not live under tyranny or forced to worship a living god.” There was a snort of impatience from the lord who had commented on Lord Dodus being a commoner. “Many in our past have tried to undo the council with claims that it is unnecessary or no longer necessary since the land has attained new levels of prosperity.” Zelda could see that Sir Dodus was slowly looking around the room making sure that he was not only being heard but being seen as well. “But we, my colleagues, all know that there are those who do not work for the benefit of this land. There are those who long for power and wealth.” This time his look was much sterner. “I have but one true goal as I stand here at my podium, and that is to bring all the benefits I can to those whom I serve the Guild of the Shipwrights and to those of you who know me know my humble beginnings as a caulker at the fishing dock.” Another quiet snort came for the lord next to Zelda.

“He reminds every time.” She heard him mutter.

“My friends, I do not wish to simply stand here and speak; I wish to bring a hard truth in front of this council. A truth that is unfortunate yet ever so clear to me.” He lowered his hands to the podium and looked down and Zelda saw him slouch his shoulders as though he were about to lift something very heavy. Aera stirred again in Zelda’s hair.

“Be still, little one.” Zelda whispered sympathetically to the fairy in her hair not taking her eyes off Lord Dodus who looked up from his podium and looked directly at Zelda. There was a fiery anger in his eyes.

“This council is being manipulated.” There was quiet muttering from other gathered lords at this revelation and Zelda glanced to the other end of the room to the left of her podium she could see the face of Lord Alromon standing at his carved podium. “This manipulation has direct ties to the House of Red Lions.” Zelda now found it difficult to breathe; her grandfather was the Earl of the House of Red Lions, but the royal family did not carry the crest of the house, but Zelda now know that Lord Dodus was speaking to her and she was also certain that gathered Lords knew this as well. There was a cold chill down her spine and Zelda shivered as she felt eyes upon her. When the muttering Lords fell silent Zelda could still see they eyes of Lord Dodus directly on her. “The House of Red Lions will lead us to ruin!” He called out and Zelda felt her heart beating in her chest behind her tightly laced bodice. “This is not a prophecy from an entranced oracle; this is happening right now!!!” He called out hammering his fist down to the podium and more muttering followed as well as another snort from the angered Lord next to Zelda.

“Insolent!” He spat and Zelda did not feel the anger he felt all she felt was fear. Zelda feared that her father made a mistake appointing her to this position or perhaps it was arrogant of her to accept such a position at such a young age. Closing her eyes and focusing her thoughts. Zelda searched inside of her for strength and found warmth a feeling that was very familiar that sustained her through years of hiding and fighting for her fallen kingdom a time that gave her great comfort to know now never existed only in her and Link’s memories.