Fan Fiction

After the Pain

By FeldonLuminex
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Chapter 5: Monsters have a new rule over Hyrule

Feldon was reviving all of the people in Link's group, apologizing and smiling akwardly while explaining to Zelda what she could not see. "Well, Vatii wouldn't have finished hypnotizing us if she hadn't noticed Raven behind me. So, that's why I almost killed you. If I would've had my own way, Vatii would have a one way ticket to the void."
"Yes, but she did after I cut off her arm."
"Oh, Link you two can't take all the credit, I told you when to cut off her arm, after all."

They all heard something and turned around.

"Oh my goodness..." came Ruto's stupid little voice.

Zelda fainted when she saw where the noise was coming from and fell hard on her head. Link's eyes opened far wider than anyones eyes can open naturally. Feldon, on the other hand, got a gigantic smile and laughed.

A large, about fifty billion members, army of monsters were marching toward Link's group. First ranks were skeletons with bows in hand and small swords on their backs. They had stupid looks on their ugly, grey faces. Second ranks were all the wolfos, armos', and stalfos' that you could fit into your sight. Finally, the last ranks were urukhai, orcs, and cave trolls that realized they were going the wrong direction and headed off toward Helm's Deep.

Feldon stopped laughing and threw his blades (They are called Vorpals actually he tells that to Link later.) into the croud and that exact croud expoded and some of the guts came and landed on Aryll and Ruto who ran around screaming, with intestines flying off of them.

"Dang it," shouted Feldon, "I missed the skeletons!" So he ran down, caught his vorpals and spun in circles, dismembering bones like crazy from the skeletons, which also ended up pelting Aryll and Ruto further.

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Comments on this chapter

Koroks Rock says:

Brief, and with a few syntax errors. You probably want to revise a bit to make it flow better, particularly in the dialogue bit.

The Ururk-hai bit was a nice touch.

FeldonLuminex says:

You gotta remember this is a FILLER, it's for when you have writers block. And I have a MAJOR case of it.

Kavi_Darkwolf says:

Boy I know how that feels. Actually, I have more like writers boredom.

Showsni says:

Fifty billion people could only just fit into a space twice the size of the whole continent of North America...

kentill(linksdaughter) says:

well, that may be true, but remember, this is a fantasy!who cares! Anyway, awesome story, hope you get rid of writers block soon.