Fan Fiction

The Saviors of Two Worlds

By dragondemonangel
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Chapter 15: The Cries of War

Link stood deathly still on the slated rooftop.his bow drawn with a fire arrow to the string.He sometimes glanced around and saw the villagers' faces. Most of them wore a mask for their fear then he looked back and saw the older children who,like him,held bows,but did not look around. Their faces were perfectly composed and not a trace of fear lit their haunted eyes.

He turned his head back to the village entrance. He wondered how the others were doing. In truth,he couldn't see Lani or Tai where they sat in the shadows,both ready for any action.

He just hoped that Sheik and the others were okay. He knew that women weren't allowed in the armies and the penalty for it was death. He hoped that the armor they wore would help with their disguises.

He was immeditly snapped out of his thoughts by a sudden cry,then more of them joined and it grew to screaming. His stomach lurched.
He knew that this was Amaya's part in the helping them.Poison the soldiers and let them know that they were alright.

Again,he hoped that they were alright,now because he was praying that the soldiers didn't notice the fact that they were women. He was slightly afraid that they would get some ideas.

Navi seemed to know what he was thinking because she said"HEY,Link,it'll be all right. They are pretty strong and they can most definetly defend themselves."

He looked up at the fluttering fairy and he muttered a thanks.
Sakura had to resist the powerful temptation to cover her sensitive ears from the screams of the soldiers.She had an act to keep up though. Next to her,she could almost see the smug look that Amaya had that was hidden by the cloth.

"Wipe the smug look of your face,Amaya.We can celebrate AFTER we win this war."Sakrua said out of the corner of her mouth.

Amaya flashed her a look that made her smile in an innocent way,although her friend couldn't see.Azalie seemed to try to keep her balence,but was failing horribly.Sheik caught her as she fell.

"I'm fi-."Azalie started,but was stopped with a raised hand.

"Save it for the housewives,Azalie. We're not blind and we're not stupid.You are far from fine."Sakrua told her,her slender arms crossed and she looked at her with knowing eyes.

Azalie didn't answer for a long time,looking for a way out of this situation.Finding none,she said"FIne,I'm not.Que tu puethes asel?"

"What can we do?That illness of yours really is serious if it clouded your thinking that much.We're going to take care of you of course!"Sakura answered,her eyes showing concern.

"Yeah,you didn't think we'd just leave you to die did you?"Amaya told her,coming and helping her up.

Azalie muttered something that sounded like 'yeah'.

Sheik lended Azalie her shoulder and took ther friend to their small tent,just large enough for them. It was farther away then the other tents.more secredy then privacy. They set her down on her cot and placed a blanket over her. She took off the cloth and laid it down on the tiny table.

"Here,"Amaya said,holding out a bubbling drink,"Drink this."

Azalie looked at it suspiciously,sniffed it and only got a sneezing fit which didn't help her headache.

"What are you trying to do to me?"she asked miserably.

"Just drink it."Amaya insisted,"It tastes terrible,but it really works. Trust me!"

She took a tiny test sip.No kidding it tasted terrible!Azalie looked at her then chugged the whole thing down in four gulps. To her surprise,the fizzing actually felt good going down her stomach and even better once it hit her stomach.She licked the grit off her lips and asked"How long 'till it works?"

A shrug wasn't the answer she was looking for."It depends on the person.It shouln't take too long."

"What was in that drink?"

They were saved from answering by the trumpets.They all had to leave. It was time to fight.
The sounds of booted feet filled the air as the sun rose. Link steadied himself and aimed carefully.

The army was breaking through the barriers that Lani had put up,but he knew that she wasn't doing anything to keep them up,or else it would drain her strength. He released the flaming arrow and it hit its mark and brought down the commander. His body burned the dry grass and a wildfire spread,creating a long wall.He nocked another arrow, to the string and watched the blaze carefully.They were coming in through the two side entrances.

He suddenly saw three familiar faces in the mass of bodies. Sakura fought digilantly with a sword but saw that she was trying to fight her way to Azalie's house where she had left her glaive.While she was skilled with a sword,her glaive would bring down more enemies.

Amaya was killing the tyrant's men,knowing that they wouldn't recognize her.Sheik was doing the same,killing with needles in the necks and with quick stabs to their chests.But where was Azalie?

He put it out of his mind and but his bow on his back before drawing the Master Sword and the Mirror Shield. He charged in with a wild battle cry and immdietly felled three men. THen he heard two immense roars and he saw two large forms fighting high in the air.

One was the familiar black one,Eternity,but the other was golden and had a rider sitting on its back. Eternity opened her massive jaws and black flames tinged with purple shot out. A sudden barrier was brought out and stopped it.

He suddenly found Sheik standing in front of him.She had blood on her dark clothes and sweat rolled down her brow. They ignored each other although he heard her say "Azalie's sick."as she disappeared so he wouldn't worry.
Sakura looked up,her glaive in her hand. She could see Eternity fighting off a golden dragon. She knew she couldn't get up there unless...

"To heck with this."Sakura muttered.

She allowed two leathery,black wings to spring from her back.The translucent wings were a little bigger then herself. They were similar to Eternity's with ivory tips of bone. She spread them,flapped them once and sped towards the dragons.She wasn't about to let the closest thing she had to family die at a familiar person's hands.

Comments on this chapter

star_breaker says:

ohmy.gif Wow! Poor Sakura! I didn't know Eternity was her family...