Fan Fiction

Dimension Merging

By Niko the ninja
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Chapter 35: Hope arises

Back in Sonic's world, Knuckles had just finished smashing a Dragonoid's jaw into pieces when the Master Emerald reappeared. Knuckles stared at it, his mouth agape. Jet did too as well as Dr. Eggman as the giant jewel hovered in front of them.

"Hey, I can see Sonic through this thing!" Knuckles exclaimed.

"You can?!" Jet asked.

"It must be some kind of magical energy. There's no scientific proof to it." Eggman pointed out.

"I don't know where Sonic is, but I need to give him as much support as I can." Knuckles said, his fist clenching very tightly.

"Yeah! You da hedgehog, Sonic!" Jet said equally determined.

All around the universe, similar things were happening whether it was Sonic, Link, Fox, or even Mario. All the worlds Link had visited were cheering him on for everything. However, they needed a good bit more than this.

Back in Hyrule, the Triforce arrived in the middle of Hyrule Field and everyone saw it. Shadow paused in front of it and saw Link, Sonic, Mario, and Fox battling a five-headed dragon. Then Vector and his team walked up to Shadow with a kind of jewel.

"Hey, Shadow, Tails made this for you in case something like this happened." Vector said, handing Shadow the emerald.

Shadow inspected it and gave Vector a curious look.

"It's a fake emerald." Espio pointed out.

"Yeah. It can do anything a real Chaos Emerald can do EXCEPT make you go into your super form." Charmy added.

"Thanks. I'll need it for something." Shadow thanked before storing it away.

Just then, Slippy arrived with a machine gun in his hand and he looked like he had run a mile. When he caught his breath, he started to speak like there was no tomorrow.

"SHADOW! I just got a message from Krystal and Zelda! THE DRAGONOIDS ARE AT THE CASTLE!" Slippy exclaimed.

Shadow flinched and remained still for a second or two. Then, he gritted his teeth, seized Slippy by the arm and vanished in a flash of light.

In just one second, they were at the castle gates. Slippy wasn't kidding; there were TONS of Dragonoids here. They were swarming the castle like vultures over a carcass. Shadow charged just when Slippy loaded his gun. Shadow vanished in a flash of blue light and reappeared in front of a Dragonoid. He brought his fist smashing into the dragon demon's visage, snapping the upper spinal chord, and teleported away to do exactly the same thing.

Slippy pulled the trigger and held onto his blaster as he blasted Dragonoid after Dragonoid with yellow energy blasts. Dragonoids fell to the ground with black blood oozing out of their wounds and Slippy continued to shoot them down like it was hunting season.

"NO MERCY!" Slippy shouted.

Several Dragonoids were trying to torch Shadow, but his whole body was pulsating with red energy. The black hedgehog pulled back his arms and then threw them out, producing a perfect Chaos Blast. Shadow then seized Slippy and teleported again.

They reappeared just inside the castle and began to search the castle for Zelda and Krystal. He was running like a rabbit escaping an approaching eagle and the situation was just as good.

"If those lizards even TOUCH her, I'll make them wish they were never spawned!" Shadow cursed as Slippy struggled to catch up.

Suddenly, a loud wail caught Shadow's attention. That wail was Zelda's. Shadow's jet-boots kicked in and he moved with speed to rival Sonic's and when he kicked the doors open, a seven-foot Dragonoid was waiting for him.

"CHAOS SPEAR!" Shadow yelled as he threw a yellow energy arrow at the beast.

The arrow went right through the Dragonoid's chest and it fell to the floor with a loud "THUD".

Shadow looked around and saw Krystal on the floor and Zelda on her bed. Both of them were clutching their round anterior and Shadow realized what was going on before Slippy even said a word.

"OH NO!" Slippy exclaimed, "I forgot the babies are due today!"

Slippy went over to Krystal and spread her legs apart. He had never done this before, but he was mainly acting on instinct, so that was good enough.

"Okay, Krystal, just one more push..." Slippy said.

Shadow couldn't hear the rest from Krystal's cries in pain. Then, there were the cries of another as Slippy picked up a rather furry baby, but something was wrong. Something was holding on to this baby girl's ankle and Slippy, instinctively, tried to gently pull it out. It was another infant, but this was a boy.

"Krystal! You have twins!" Slippy said, wrapping the two newborns in cloth and giving them to her.

After she caught her breath, Krystal spoke for the first time. Although her voice was rather quiet, she was okay.

"Oh, they're beautiful...Thank you, Slippy." Krystal sighed.

Just then, Zelda's wails intensified and Slippy raced over to her. He felt her belly and something was definitely wrong.

"Oh no...Zelda! Your baby hasn't gone into the right position! I need to use a C-section." Slippy said, preparing to run out the door.

"NO!" Shadow said, blocking Slippy's way.

"Listen, Shadow. If I don't, she'll die!" Slippy said, trying to push past the black hedgehog.

Shadow, however, was much stronger than he looked and proved more than powerful enough to push Slippy back. Then, Shadow put on a face that made Slippy believe him.

"The C-section will take too long. And even if you do get out there, the Dragonoids will be waiting for you!" Shadow told him.

"Well, what do you suppose we do then?!" Slippy asked urgently.

"I can help." Shadow answered as he strode over to Zelda.

Zelda didn't know what Shadow was going to do. She had heard Sonic's stories of how Shadow could go from being a not-too-bad guy to being a berserker in seconds. But there was something about Shadow that she trusted and she didn't even try to get away.

Shadow put a hand on Zelda's stomach and closed his eyes. After at least five seconds, he snapped them open and said two words.

"Chaos Control."

For a minute, there was a blue light. When it faded, nothing appeared to happen. Then, as if it was a miracle, Zelda's breathing eased and there was the cry of a newborn infant. Shadow turned to Zelda with her baby girl in his arms. Zelda took her new daughter in her arms and wrapped her in warm blankets. She then looked up at Shadow and could only say two words to him.

"Thank you." She said in a mere whisper.

Shadow nodded, but then realized that there was something going on universes away.

"Alright, Zelda. Link is still out there and he's battling with Sonic, Fox, and Mario to save us all. We need to give them all the support they need. The fate of the universe depends on it." Shadow pointed them out.

"Alright, Shadow." Zelda said.

She then closed her eyes and focused all her thoughts on Link, on Sonic, on everyone fighting to prevent the apocalypse. Krystal did the same as well as Slippy and Shadow.

Lightyears away, Ryu's new, five-headed form was laughing at the four's feeble attack. However, several voices seemed to speak from an invisible crowd.

"You can do it, Sonic!" The voice of Vector cheered.

"You da' man, Fox!" Falco seemed to say.

"Who's-a number one?! MARIO!" Luigi said directly from Mushroom Kingdom.

"Please, Link. We're all right behind you. You can do it!" The voice of Zelda said.

Then, several other voices spoke and they could all feel the energy rushing through their veins. Link noticed that the glow around all four of them was now a good bit brighter now.

"ALRIGHT! Now we're talkin'!" Sonic said.

"Let's-a go!" Mario said, fidgeting with his hat.

"Alright! Move out!" Fox said, putting up a fist.

Link glared at the towering behemoth before him and narrowed his eyes.

"Ryu, your reign ends HERE and NOW!" Link said, pointing his sword at Ryu like an accusing finger.

Ryu laughed.

"Let's see if your actions can back up your words, fools." The Dragonoid king challenged.

Then, with a combination of war cries and dragon roars, the battle began.

Comments on this chapter

Dark_Princess says:

I wonder how Shadow did that... however he did it, it was amazing! :l:happy.gif: