Fan Fiction

The Hero of Worlds

By Swordsman289
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Chapter 1: A New Life and a New Adventure

Hyrule's greatest hero, Link, is taking some time in Castle Town to get supplies for personal needs like food. Just then he heard some rumbling at the west side of Castle Town, where Telma's bar is. He looked and saw a mob of girls running towards him. It seems that they want him to be their husband. Ever since he saved Hyrule, he just became so popular with everyone, well mostly the girls.

Well he was about to get torn to pieces by a mob of girls, so he paid for his supplies and ran out of town. He exited the eastern gate and was trying to run back to his house in Ordon, but the mob of girls were following him no matter what, they even follow him to the male rest room. The mob is catching up fast so he took out his horse call and called for Epona.

When Epona finally arrived, he jumped on while running by grabbing her neck, and then swung while holding on to the neck and landed on the saddle. He knew that the mob was no match for the speed of his horse. He then rode all the way back to his house in Ordon.

He then entered his house and fell on his couch exhausted. He believes that now that Hyrule is peacful, his life was now boring, despite of being chased by girls (which he hates). The Bokoblins were now peacful merchants and were now affiliates of Hyrule. The Great Fairy's cavern is now free of monsters. The forest is clear of the purple mist. Today he suffures from the worst kind of pain...loneness. He misses having Midna on his back and as his shadow.

He still can wield the Master Sword, and he still carries it and he still has the items that he found on his previous quest, but he rarely use any of them. He has an everyday routine now. Today, he tries to learn on how to speak. He has a dictionary of all of the Hylian words to study on. Soon after he did his lessons, he reads books.

He is reading on a legend of a prophecy of the "Hero of Worlds", will come and save other worlds from evil by going through a strange portal. This was his favorite story of all. He wonders if the prophecy will come true, but he'll find out in time. It was getting late so he went to bed.

Next thing he knows, Mayor Bo arrives and tries to give him some news on something strange.

"Link!!! There something strange in the forest! I want you to check it out!" Mayor bo ordered.

Link then agreed and geared up to check out the forest. When he got there, he saw a strange portal near the forest temple. He doesn't know why or when it was here. He then reached to the portal with caution. He then inserted his hand through the portal, but the vortex is sucking him in! He tried to escape but it was futile. He then went through the vortex, not knowing that the prophecy was coming true.

] Inside the portal was a void he never imagined. There were gateways to other worlds, but were blocked by gates, including his gateway to Hyrule. He then reliezed that this is the portal that the book was talking about. He began thinking that he was the "Hero of Worlds", but he then shook it out of his mind and thougth on how to get out.

He then saw only one gateway was open and it leads to a different world. He then thought about what will happen if he goes through the gateway. He then did his farewells to Hyrule and went through the only escape ticket he will only have. Without knowing, he had started on a new adventure and will fufill the prophecy.

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