
What is affiliation? Affiliation is a special kind of association between two web sites. By affiliating, each web site is recommending the other, above all other web sites. I am very picky when it comes to affiliates. I am looking for people who care about what they're doing, and have put in a lot of time to make their site a valuable place to visit. These kinds of people tend to make sites that have a lot of good information, and extra things that you can't find at just any site. If your site meets the following criteria, then you're probably what I'm looking for.

Ignore these guidelines at your own risk

    Most important thing

  1. Affiliation is more about YOU, the webmaster, than about your web site. Are you mature, intelligent, responsible, hardworking, and enthusiastic about Zelda or video games? If so, I will probably be able to tell. I tend to trust such people, and affiliate with them because they have done great things, or have potential to do great things. Probably the best way to get yourself affiliated is to interact with me personally through forums and e-mail, so I can see what kind of person you are. If I like you, this is infinitely more important than your actual web site.

    The sort of web site I'm looking for

  2. I'm looking for sites that have been around long enough to add lots of interesting, useful, and perhaps "fun" information. If your site is brand new, or looks like you haven't put much into it, then I'll probably reject it.

  3. It is not necessary for your site to be only about Zelda, as long as it is related to video games. If you do have a Zelda-only site, I want to see more content than just basic game information/help. This means extra, useful, and/or fun content, like multimedia or storyline or forums. You know what I mean: MEAT.

  4. I have certain pet peeves. If you're really a fan of the series, you ought to have lots of ACCURATE information about ALL the games! If you can't get basic facts right, I get suspicious about how good a fan you are. Why should I go to your web site if it has faulty information?

  5. I like to see a layout that is organized and looks decent. I understand that not everybody can make a beautiful-looking site right way, but I at least want your site to be organized pretty well, so I can easily find your content. Then again, if your web site looks "professional" but overly bland and non-Zelda-ish, this is not good either.

    Administrative things

  6. Since I will be linking to you on every page of my site, if you are accepted I would prefer that you link to me in the same way. I can make exceptions, however.

  7. If, after affiliating with me, you stop updating your site for an extensive period (say six months) or it dies, I will assume that you have abandoned your site and remove it. If you resume updating, let me know so I can add you again. If your site is really good, but you just don't plan to update it anymore, I'll probably make an exception and keep you up.

  8. I do not require that my affiliates have the same affiliation policies that I do, nor will I ever have such a requirement. You are free to run your web site as you see fit. I do, however, expect my affiliates to have high ethical standards, and to make sound, fair judgements. If you show a decided lack of judgement, I will notice.

  9. I have recently put certain affiliates into a "top" affiliates status. This is not intended to be elitist, or to say these web sites are the "best." The only intention here is to give credit to awesome people in the community who deserve respect and recognition. It is entirely up to our discretion who goes here. There are no specific requirements such as number of hits, size, etc.

Applying for Affiliation

Before you hand your site over for me to review, review your site yourself. Make sure that it passes all the requirements, and judge for yourself whether your site is stuffed with content or not. If your site is brand-spanking new and doesn't have much there yet, PLEASE don't even bother to apply. You're just wasting your time and mine. Please consider submitting your page to the Links page instead. If you are linking to me, you are guaranteed a link back.

If, however, you think you are the kind of person that I might like, or you already know me pretty well, by all means present your site to me. Make sure to emphasize your own qualifications as a person, if I don't already know you.

Once you have decided that you or your site meets my standards, contact me in some way. You can also use the form below, or send me an e-mail. I cannot guarantee that I'll ever respond to you. If I haven't contacted you right away, this may either mean I'm indecisive, or that I've rejected you. Contact me again to get a definite answer. If you're still interested, you can apply to have your site put on my Links page.


E-mail address:

Site title:

Site URL:

Tell me a little bit about yourself and your goals. Describe the mission or purpose of your web site. What makes your web site different from other sites? Pimp your site a bit, and get creative. This little text box might make the difference!

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