Fan Fiction

Return to Termina

By Niko the ninja
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Chapter 10: Behind the scenes

Zelda had gone back to the Stock Pot Inn and began calling out Kafei's name. BEGAN was the only thing she did, because when she cupped her hands over her mouth to amplify her voice, something hit her hard on the head.

"Nighty-night, princess. Now...let's see if Goldra's theories are true, shall we?" The voice was female and very cold, similar to a seductress.

She placed her hands on the sides of Zelda's face and gazed at her. Within minutes, she stood up as an exact replica. She locked her in a closet to make sure she couldn't get out and no one else could get in.

"Zelda, you're back."

The woman froze in her tracks for a while. It wasn't Link, but Kafei. She turned around and made sure to keep her face similar to Zelda's.

"Where have you and Link been? And where is Link, anyway?" Kafei asked.

"Oh, you know. We were just out and about. He went off to solve some 'personal' business." The fake Zelda said, casually.

"Well, that's fine by me." Kafei said as he walked back to his room, "Lovebirds, they'll do anything together." He said to himself as he turned a corner.

"Now that I have him off my shoulders," The false princess thought as she stalked away.

She went to Link and Zelda's room and began turning the whole place upside-down. She was looking for something and didn't show any signs of stopping.

"They have to be around here somewhere..." She said to herself.

Kafei settled down on his chair and took out the only book on Termina's legends he hadn't read: "The Rise and Fall of the Dark Beings". This single book had every event from the war that spawned the Fierce Deity Mask to a more recent chapter about the dreaded Majora's Mask.

"I've searched through everything else. Let's see what can be found here..." Kafei said to himself as he flipped through the pages.

Kafei's eyes widened as he came upon a certain picture in the book. It showed a werewolf similar to Link's full moon beast form poised to attack a different creature. It looked like a cross between a human and a dragon of sorts. In the background on the werewolf's side was the full moon and on the dragon-man's side was a dark castle.

Under this illustration was an insignia. It read:
"Even a man who is pure of heart and says his prayers by night may become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms and the autumn moon is bright.
"The darkest of beings corrupted his soul for eternal life. To end the battle, you must use his own weapon of demise and stop the accursed strife."

"It's a riddle." Kafei thought, "But if it's his weapon we have to use, then we've been trying to kill him the wrong way."

If you had walked right into the room, you would have thought her desperate. This same thought went through Anju's mind as she saw what appeared to be Zelda digging through the room for some unknown object.

"Zelda? What are you looking for?" Anju asked.

"Oh, uh..." The fake Zelda paused. "I lost my lucky bracelet in this room."

"Can I help you find it?" Anju asked as she stepped forward.

"NO!" Zelda said, enough to make Anju jump. "I I can handle this myself."

"O...K. If you say so." Anju said as she walked out of the room.

The fake Zelda then lifted up a mattress and her worst fears had been realized. There, under the mattress, were four masks: a monkey, an eagle, a shark, and a dragon. She tried to touch one, but her hand fazed through it like it was air.

"Looks like Goldra was right."

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