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The Legend of Zelda

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Chapter 18: Epilogue

Life after Ganon’s defeat was far from easy. The villagers who had been subjugated and relocated did not take well to the return of Queen Zelda, whom they had seen as Ganon’s puppet monarch. Although Zelda did the best she could to alleviate their burdens, such as canceling monthly taxes and providing subsidiaries to farmers, the common people were still hesitant to accept a restoration of the dynasty.

Crops continued to fail, and raids from neighboring countries far from ceased. Although the Hyrulian army was reinstated and provided additional funding, it served as little more than a local police force to prevent crime. War was to be avoided until the army was fully equipped and ready for combat, so international disputes were usually settled to the detriment of Hyrule.

However, the years after Ganon’s death were renowned for their emphasis on science and learning. Kaepora Gaebora became one of the chief professors at Hyrule University, and propelled research into fields concerning steam propulsion and man-made flight.

Hyrule also formed an alliance with Alania, and Queen Zelda married its king. Their daughter became Princess Zelda XIII, the heir to the throne. Alania lent money and manpower to help rebuild Hyrule and defend itself from its neighbors.

The whereabouts of Link, however, are unknown. It is said that after his victory over Ganon, he left Hyrule in search of new adventures and excitement. Others say that he returned home to Alania, and lived a relatively normal and mundane life thereafter. Yet some even suggest that Link was carried up to the heavens to dwell with the goddesses themselves as a reward for his heroism. No matter what his fate, Link is remembered by Hyrule’s citizens forever. His deeds have been immortalized into bard’s songs and lengthy novels penned by Hyrule’s best writers. A bronze statue of Link stands in the courtyard of Hyrule Castle as a monument to his extraordinary bravery.

Now at last the Legend of Zelda ends.
This book shall be held by the Hyrulian House of Royals until the dynasty ends, when the last Zelda dies.

--Queen Zelda Hyrule XII, the Benevolent

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