Fan Fiction

The Legend of Zelda: Broken Souls

By Redocarina
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Chapter 2: The Sky

Link kneeled crying over the shattered remains of the Master sword. He wished he wasn’t crying, it was just his sword. But it wasn’t. It was the sword that protected hyrule for all of it’s age. But that’s not why he was crying. Zelda, his best friend, his love, was doomed, and he couldn’t do anything about it. But he could. A sword was nothing without it’s master, not the other way around. He would save Zelda whatever it took. Then, out of nowhere, came a voice of Hope. “Link...” it said. “Courage runs in your hero’s blood...” Link couldn’t tell where the voice was coming from. “I am Phi II, my mother was the spirit within the Master sword.” The female voice said. “Do not be afraid, all things must come to an end eventually.” Link was confused. “Come visit me in the sky, I will tell you the forbidden Goddess’s story.” Link looked puzzled. “Beneath Hyrule castle lies an egg.” The voice began to fade. “Go there...” The voice disappeared. Link was reinvigorated. He ran to the castle in triumph.
Link reached the courtyard, when he realized he had no idea how to get under the castle. Then a stepping stone before him began to glow. The triforce appeared on it, and a blue portal appeared. He stepped in and was immediately transported to the depths of the castle.
He arrived in a dark room, lit only by a small skylight in the ceiling. In the middle of room, was a gigantic, golden egg. Link went to examine it. But when he put his left palm on it, it began to crack. And then, outburst a gigantic bird with golden feathers and a long wide beak. The, knowing what to do, lowered it’s back. So Link climbed on. And as the Skylight opened right up, the bird spread his wings, and soared...
Higher and Higher the Bird flew. Above the castle, and eventually, the clouds. The sun shone brightly here, making link feel happy. And, like magic, a floating castle appeared. “Whoa Epona!” said link before he realized what he said. He missed epona so much, but she was too old. But at the voicing of the old horse’s name, the bird squawked with delight. “I guess you can steal that name.” Said link laughing. “Epona” landed on the platform the castle was on. Link then cautiously entered...
He stood in a long arched hallway, with a stain glass window at the back. The Windowed displayed the triforce. But under the triforce was a dark circle, with chains running from the sacred relic. The young girl at the window had a purple cloak covering everything but her head. Her short hair was white, but not much more than her pale face, with it’s grey eyes. “Come Link...” she said “Let me tell you the story of the fourth goddess...

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Comments on this chapter

cuttielink404 says:


Grant says:

Awesome fanfic!