Fan Fiction

Journey of lost Memories

By Amy122
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Chapter 4: Chapter 1 Part 4

Part 4

He takes her to the first floor and gave her a key, “This will be the key to your room.” He said, “What about food….?” She asked in a whisper he sighed and pulled out his bag of coins and gave it to her and told her to go and get something to eat and went to his room and shut the door behind him.

The Princess just stood there confused and had no idea on where to go, she looked down at her dress and slightly sighed, if she goes out everyone will know she’s a princess. Instead she just went to her room which was right beside his and unlocked the door and went in and closed it behind her. Her room was like any other, small one bed in the middle of the room, a fireplace to her left which had the fire going, a table to her right which had a couple of chairs pushed in a flower vase which had just any old random flower in it.

The walls were green and the floor was just wood, the princess just sighed and walked over to the window and looked out. All she saw was mostly children playing with each other or playing with the dog. Seeing that made the princess smile

She soon stretched and walked over to her bed and just lay down, since she had nothing to change in there’s no point in wearing a slip or anything. Before she got too comfortable she sat up and took her hair down which fell to her waist. She removed her shoes and the sleeves that were on her arms and placed her shoes beside her bed and the sleeves on top of her shoes.

She laid back down and turned on her side and was soon asleep.

Soon morning came, and she felt someone lightly shaking her, “Akako, wake up. It’s morning.” Said a male voice she opened her eyes and saw Deity sitting beside her looking down at her.

“Is it morning already?” she asks he just nods his head and gets up from her bed and walks out before saying, “We’ll be leaving soon.” And closing the door behind him.

She sighed and sat up and picked up her sleeve’s and placed her feet in her shoes and got up and walked out of her room closing the door behind her. She laid her key on the desk and saw the other key that Deity was holding, she came out of the Inn and saw him leaning against the rail with his back turned to her.

She walked down the steps and over to where he was leaning, he looked at her. “Ready?” he asked, she nodded her head, before he lifted her on to his horse he took the sleeves from her hands and slipped them up her arms and tied the bow on both sides, “You’re a princess and you should look nice.” He whispered slightly so only she could hear.

He finally helped her on his horse then got on behind her and turned his horse to the direction of the Castle and nudged his horse in the sides so it would walk down the path.

Soon they got to the Castle Gates he took her left hand and held it up to show her ring, the guard stepped down but opening the gate to let him and Akako pass. “Princess, I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting around you lately…” he began she turned her head slightly looking back at him “I just don’t know what’s going to happen when I get you back to the Castle…” his voice trailed off she slightly narrowed her eyes down at the path and look forward wondering the same thing now too.


In the Castle there were maids running around trying to make everything right, some of them was getting Leona back into her maid uniform. Leona, same height as Akako which is about 5’5” maybe 5’7” her hair was much lighter than Akako’s, her eyes were darker than the princess and her skin was slightly darker too.

Leona was always a decoy for the Princess she was nothing more than a personal handmaiden and a look-a-like of the princess.

The Head handmaiden was trying to make sure everything was good, “Emiko do you think that it really is the Princess?” asked a maiden Emiko turn to look at her, she had short red hair her bangs in the middle were short then mid-ways to her face then past her chin, she had blue eyes and slightly pale skin she wore a dress which slightly showed a bit of cleavage. Her sleeves went past her hands; she wore a gold belt on her dress which was around her waist. Her dress was violent, “I know it is. Besides only those inside the Castle knows Leona isn’t the Princess.” She said, the maiden just nodded and left soon another maiden came up only dressed different.

“I heard that the Princess is returning at last?” She said Emiko turned around and said “You heard right Aneko, she is returning.” She answered Aneko had long red hair and blue eyes, her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, her hair fell past her butt which ended around her knees. She had a couple of strands of her hair in front of her face that went to her hips she had an arm band on her left arm and fingerless gloves which was mid-ways to her elbow. She wore a strap-less top that showed cleavage and showed her stomach, her pants were puffed out, she had ankle-lets around her ankles to hold the bottom of her pants there then red shoes that went to a point.

Her clothes were like a Pink color her earrings where danglingly and were just white, her skin was tan; she comes from the Gerudo Dessert. She use to run and live in Arbiter’s Grounds until she heard that Ganondorf was arrested around there. Once she heard she fled the place not wanting to be apart of his gang.

She’s also the second in charge to Emiko. “Let’s hope she’s regained her memories.” She whispered lightly Emiko just nodded hoping the same, “How can she remember anything when she woke up not long ago from her slumber?” said a new voice Emiko and Aneko both turned around to see Kameko standing there.

She has long black hair and her bangs splits on the left side where she had some strands of her hair on the side her eyes were brown she was the one nearly everyone disliked cause of who she is. No one got along with Kameko, not even Leona.

She wore the same kind of uniform that Aneko wore only a real dark Pink and maybe mixed with red. Her gloves were different, it went to her middle finger and ended with a ring there, the palm of her hand was bare. Her arms were crossed over her chest, Emiko just sighed, “The Princess is being brought here to regain her forgotten memories.” She explained to Kameko “And what if she doesn’t remember?” she asked one of the other maidens came in she was younger than all of them.

“I believe we can help her…” her voice trailed off she was the shortest and youngest, her hair was blue along with her eyes, she had her hair up in two buns on the side and braids hanging loosely from the buns, she hand two strands of her hair down, her outfit was the same only blue. “I agree with Chelsea on this” said another voice, two other handmaiden's came in one was slightly taller than the other.

“At least Akina and Dai both agree with me...” Chelsea said while slightly glaring at Kameko who just stood there glaring back at her. Akina was the second youngest to Chelsea she wore her hair up in two Odango's with some of her hair hanging down from them and the rest of her hair was down, her hair was light Brown, her eyes were brown her outfit was the same as Kameko's, and Chelsea's. Only hers was a reddish violent.

Dai had her hair pulled up in a ponytail, her hair was brown and her eyes were brown too, her outfit was the same again, only this one was a darker reddish violent. Her skin was tan and she had an arm rest on her right arm.

Kameko just narrowed her eyes at them and walked off not saying a word. Emiko just sighed, “She may be a handmaiden but she's still a pain at times....” her voice trailed off the others nodded.


Soon Deity stopped his horse in the main courtyard that leads to the castle. He dismounted his horse and helped Akako down, “You've returned, your highness.” said a voice both Deity and the Princess turned around and saw a girl with red hair, “My name is Emiko your highness.” she said bowing down when she lifted her head up she noticed Deity and just slightly glared at him.

Deity who was holding the princesses hand turned her around slight, “Princess, you know that Princess Zelda told me to stay with you. And I am.” he explained she nodded her head lightly.

“Princess if you please come inside the Castle and Aneko will guide you to your room.” she said “I need a word with you sir.” She said glaring at Deity.

The Princess just looked at Deity who simply nodded his head and said, “I'll catch up to you Akako.” he said she nodded slightly and walked on inside the Castle. Emiko turned to him, “I have no idea why your here for demon, but your not allowed in this castle.” she stated he just stood there, “So you know I'm a demon therefore you know my real name.” She just rolled her eyes slightly and said “Of course, your name is Ogre Deity, I can tell that Akako doesn't know. But answer my question why are you here?” she asked “Princess Zelda asked me to take Akako to Armon and stay with her.” he explained.

She knew she can't go against Zelda's order's. Just like she can't go against Akako's orders.

“Fine, but once she regains her memories you will leave.” She pointed out and left he just stood there. Emiko came back and saw Akako, “Your highness please tell me your not in love with that warrior.” she asked, the princess just slightly nodded her head and said “Yes...” Emiko sighed “Princess you can't love him. He's a warrior, it is against the rules if a Princess falls in love with a warrior.” she began “A princess must fall in love and marry a Prince from another country!” she stated,

The Princess's lip started to tremble she didn't want to hear anymore of this, she can't love him? What would he say about it?

She turned around and quickly ran out of the Castle she wants to love him, HIM. The man who saved her life countless of times.

Deity who was in the stables making sure his horse was settled heard a whimper and a cry, “Oni...” he turned around just in time to catch the Princess in his arms crying. He held her tight but was slightly confused as to why she came there in tears, and how did she find the Stables?

“What's wrong Princess?” he asked she couldn't' answer him, all she could do is cry in his arms. Why, why does live have to be so unfair?

He sat down also bringing Akako with him and held her in his arms trying to calm her down. She finally started to calm down after a while and slightly pulled away wiping her eyes from the remaining tears “What's wrong Akako?” he asked again, she looked away and spoke softly, “Emiko...I think that's her name...she said...that I can't love you...your a warrior and that I'm a Princess and I must fall in love with a Prince...”

She explained he just sighed and continue to hold her in his arms, he began to run his hand through her hair and gently and very lightly pressed his lips against her forehead.


“Well, it seems that the Princess has returned back to Armon. Finally, about time. Said Dorjan, he stood up with his femal sorcerer by his side. He notices that she was slightly bored. “Ambika, is there something you wish to do?”


Dark Link was plaining another attack, only this time on Armon. Plus, thinking of getting both the Princess and Deity separated. “Hopefully, the Princess will hide in the library of Armon. Then hopefully she'll find a book that tells of the Demon. Then she wouldn't want to be near him!” he stated.


Akako was very upset, her feelings were completely hurt after what Emiko said to her, she can't even get the words out of her mind. Deity said that he'll talk to her and left her in the stables, “Emiko is it?” he asked she turned around to see him, “What do you want Demon?” she retorted back “Why did you tell Akako that I can't be with her?” he demanded she just glared, “It's the truth. If she has any relationship with you it must end now!” she yelled out the last part and walked off.

To be continued......


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