Fan Fiction

Dimension hopping

By Niko the ninja
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Chapter 14: Pack hunting

The Arwing II materialized from warpspeed and appeared in the range of the strangest planet Link and Fox had ever seen. It wasn't spherical, but shaped like a star.

"Well, that was unexpected." Link admitted in surprise.

The Arwing II landed on the planet's yellow surface, but it was surprisingly green and lush in vegetation. They hopped out of the ship and Fox began to check up on it.

"Well, Link, we'll need to recharge when we're through with this." Fox informed quickly.

Link smirked and sent a small charge through his sword, causing it to glow.

"Not a problem." He added.

Fox made one quick adjustment to the ship before they headed off.

They had barely gone a few yards when there was a strange thing in front of them. It had a brown outside, but a yellow center. It also had arms, legs, and a pair of big black eyes. (Waddle-Dee) It walked by, humming a happy tune and Fox and Link stared at it as it walked by.

"Three guesses of whose world we're in. And the first two don't count." Fox said as he lowered his eyebrows.

Just then, his staff acted up again. It began to glow bright purple and he took it out. The staff projected the map and showed the entire planet and which elemental sage they were after.

"Looks like we're after the Wind Sage." Link said as he inspected the symbol on the map.

Just then, there was a rustle in the bush and the two whirled around. Fox took out his blaster and aimed it at the bush. The minute it cocked, something shot out with its tiny arms out.

"I SURRENDER!!!" It shouted. Suddenly, Fox knew whose voice this was.

"Long time no see, Kirby." Fox said as he put his gun away.

Kirby put his arms down and asked, "Fox? Link? WHERE'VE YOU BEEN, BUDDIES?!"

"It's a long story." Link said as he scratched his head.

"Well, make it short. I like short." Kirby demanded.

Fox and Link both sighed and shrugged and began telling their story.

Miles away on the planet Pop Star, Allos had gotten there first. However, he was with another person. The person was tall, lanky, and had razor-sharp claws on his hands and feet. He had a head similar to the raptors on Yoshi Island, but he was standing upright like a human.

"I'll need your help for this one, Antirrhopus (An-tyro-pus)." Allos requested.

"You're going to need it, Allos. We wouldn't want Ganon to destroy you the minute he breaks out, would we?" Antirrhopus had a voice that was soft, but sharp like a snake hiss, but had a bit of growl in it.

Allos simply snorted in an attempt to hide a laugh and handed Antirrhopus a belt with all kinds of weapons on it; knives, calibur guns, rifles, pistols, and snipers were just a few of the things on it. There was even a machine gun on it.

"If you fail, Antirrhopus, you're on your own." Allos warned. He then activated his jetpack and flew off. Antirrhopus simply ran off faster than a wolf.

In the shadows, another figure was watching, but THIS was one of the good guys. He vanished instantly and had to warn those on his side.

Comments on this chapter

LinksLove says:

Hmmm. That was short...
Ah, well. Bring on the next chapter!

ganon rulez says:

short can sometimes be good but still good chapter. 6 more.

ganon rulez says:

short can sometimes be good but still good chapter. 6 more.

Niko the ninja says:

Um, it isn't quite finished yet.