Fan Fiction

Island of nightmares

By shadow_lord3425
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Chapter 5: The Ashfield subway

They look around the strange place. Their were blood every where, and foot prints of that strange humanoid. “There!” Link said, pointing at the prints.

“Where are we?” Tetra asked.

Link looked up at a sign and said, “I think we’re in the Ashfield subway.” They walked around until they went up to two sets of turnstiles; there they found a woman laying face down on the floor with very long hair in one of the turnstile. “Excuse me; do you know anything about Silent Hill?” Link asked. The strange woman then lifted her head a little bit and started to crawl towards link. As she crawled towards him, she went through the turnstile.

“She’s a ghost!” Tetra screamed in shock. She began to float towards Link.

“Oh s***!” Link said, as he tried to get away, but the ghost used her long hair to grab Link and pull him closer to her. Link got out his sword and tried to cut her hair, but it just went through. Fortunately, Tetra picked up a gun that was on the floor, and shot it at the ghost. The ghost then let go of Link and floated away into a wall, and dropping some tokens. Link picked up the tokens, and counted about two. Apparently they’re used for the turnstile, but before they could use it, they were some growling behind them. They were face to face with a pack of female sniffer dogs. “Damn…” The sniffer dogs attacked the two, but luckily, Link killed one. The others went to attack Link all at once. Link tried to defend his self, but one grab his shield and threw against a wall. Tetra tried help buy shooting some of the creatures with the gun, but soon ran out of bullets. These sniffer dogs were faster and stronger then the ones before… after a long fight, Link finally killed all of the sniffer dogs. They used the tokens to go through the turnstile.

“Great, now what?” Tetra said, as they heard moaning. Ghost started to come out of the walls, and attack them.

“Quick, to the trains!” Link said, as they ran into the trains, unfortunately the ghosts followed them, and the train was like a labyrinth. Link gave a groan since they have to verse through the train, trying to escape the ghosts. As they escaped out of the trains, the ghosts were still following them, but soon the ghosts fled away buy something.

Link and Tetra were relieved, but that soon faded away when they found that the ghosts fled from the humanoid, which was right in front of Link and Tetra. “Now you’ll DIE!!!” It said.

“Who are you?!” Link asked.

“Go to hell,” It answered, as it swung its sword at him, but luckily Link dodged, then he swung his sword at the creature. The sword sliced the humanoid’s chest. Blood splattered out as the humanoid screamed in anger and agony. Link and Tetra fled into a strange room… that was breathing.

“Smells like bad breath,” Tetra exclaimed.

“Yeah, it does,” Link said. Suddenly, more ghosts started to come out of the walls. Link and Tetra fled out of the breathing room into a hallway. At the end of the hallway was another door with the strange symbol on it. They went through, the door shut behind them and vanished.

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Comments on this chapter

star_breaker says:

Your story is getting stranger and stranger. It's obviously been well thought out but it's not very descriptive. For example, the battles are way too short, and you've got heaps of grammatical and spelling errors. I'm fast losing intrerest in this story, so post a better chapter next time, or I won't bother reading it.

Wolfang says:

This story is very interesting to me despite the spelling errors. I think you should continue with it.

firehexer says:

How Link knew that they were in the Ashfield subway? And why there was a gun on the ground? And why Link's sword can't reach the ghost, but a gun bullet yes? The story is getting really weird.