Fan Fiction

The Legend Of Zelda: Blood Of The Holders

By coasty30
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Chapter 26: Mud and Blood

Mud and Blood

The rain started just before dark, and by the time the sun had set fully, the camp was saturated from the downpour dousing the campfires and adding to the darkness of the night and the high canopy of the North Wood provided little relief from rain. The circular pavilion of Lord Halon Alromon stood alone among the other canvas shanties that were set by the side of the road amid the shadows of the trees. Lord Alromon sat in his chair in the pavilion and stared at the flames that leaped from the brazier; he was becoming impatient. Night had come and was growing late and there was still no sign of his guardian. He held a small dagger with a golden hilt that came to a very fine point and he used it to cut into the carved wood of his chair.

“My lord.” Halon barely heard the raspy hiss over rain hitting the canvas of his pavilion.

“I was wondering if you had arrived.” Halon said burying the dagger in the wood armrest of the chair and then glancing into a darkened area of the pavilion and seeing the yellow robes of his hired guardian. “You did well at the temple, Siam.” He added as Siam walked to him. “The cleric’s death was an unforeseen benefit… Well done.” Siam stood before Halon who remained seated and bowed slowly.

“I did only as you said.” He hissed as he returned to full height.

“Then I can assume that you have it.” Halon said, his impatience giving way to anticipation as he saw the yellow robed Serpentine Practitioner slowly reach into the folds of his robe and remove a small glass tube with a cork stopper sealed tight. “Yes.” Halon uttered quietly as Siam handed it to him. He could feel the warmth of the glass as he held the vial and thick bright red liquid. “Is it his?” Siam nodded.

“The wound was still fresh.” Siam answered, anticipating the question and Halon smiled, a wide smile stretching the scarred skin on his face.

“All those years, and the wound is still fresh.” Holding the glass vial before the lantern for light, Halon gazed at it. “A timeless realm indeed.” He added, tightening his grip on the vial of blood. “Ganondorf, Holder of the Triforce of Power, and this blood carries a remnant of it.” Siam watched Halon with a pale expressionless face.

“The Master Sword sealed him.” Siam said, but Halon’s eyes were still on the vial. “It took great effort to get the blood I had to rest for many days.” He explained as Halon drew the fine tipped dagger from the wooden chair.

“I am certain it was.” Halon acknowledged as he pushed the sleeve of his left arm past his elbow.

“My lord?” Siam’s voice held only the slightest hint of concern and Halon continued without looking to his guardian.

“This blood is still connected to the Triforce.” He said before grasping the cork stopper in his teeth and yanking hard until it pulled free with a quiet pop. Carefully tipping the vial over his arm Halon allowed a small drop of blood to fall on his exposed forearm. “Dismiss the guard Siam; allow no one to enter.” He said after returning the stopper on the vile.

“Yes, my lord.” Siam answered and immediately went to the entrance of the circular pavilion. Allowing a few moments to let the blood settle on his arm, Halon then held the small dagger tightly in his right hand.

“I must know.” He whispered quietly, bringing the fine tip of the small dagger’s blade to his skin. “I will know!” Pain followed as he ran the blade through the blood on his arm through the skin to mix with his own. Halon’s left fist clenched tight and his right hand tightened on the hilt of the dagger, but he continued to push the needle point into his arm. Deep heavy breaths followed as Halon forced his eyes to look at his arm and the sight brought a clenched toothy smile to his face, the blood was slowly seeping into the fresh wound. Warmth that started at the wound spread quickly through Halon’s body, and in those moments, he suddenly felt rain hitting the canvas of the tent as if it were his own skin and his eye could see more through to other camps of the caravan and the forest beyond them. The pain from the self-inflicted wound was forgotten as the new senses nearly overwhelmed him, and through it all, Halon could feel two distinctive auras near him. “Fantastic!” He yelled, not caring if he was heard. “Fantastic!”

“Are you alright, Princess?” Paldnor asked as he lay on a wide cushioned chair after seeing Zelda bring her hands to her temples.

“It is nothing.” She answered, quickly shaking her head. “Merely frustration Master Paldnor.” The princess uttered hoping it was not a lie; she was frustrated with lack of progress of the caravan, but this feeling was familiar, frighteningly so.

“Your frustration is shared, Princess.” Paldnor said as his head settled back on a pillow and his eyes closed. “Princess?” He called after a deep breath.

“Yes.” Zelda said as though only a fraction of her attention was on the old man.

“The pace, though slow, is still quite exhausting during the day.” He explained and then raised his head again to look at her. “How is it that you seem fine and unaffected?” Paldnor finally asked and Zelda smiled, despite her feelings of unease.

“It is simple, Master Paldnor.” She started, her full attention now on the old man. “Royal etiquette states that I am to ride in this lumbering beast until camp is made.” She explained, lowering herself into a chair and gesturing to the side of the royal carriage with its open door, which formed the back wall of the pavilion. “Without large windows, even a lamp provides poor light in there. And the constant movement can make one ill if they try to read.” Paldnor nodded as she explained. “So I take advantage of the darkness and cushioned interior and I sleep.” She watched the Paldnor’s drunken eyes widen.

“You… Sleep! During the day?” He uttered and Zelda nodded.

“Oh yes, quite well actually.” She added and Paldnor nodded, his surprise fading.

“I can see how that would be beneficial.” Paldnor said with a smile as the rain pounded on the outside of the square canvas pavilion that was attached to the large royal carriage. The lighting flashed followed by the roar of the thunder, and the rain was hard and relentless and the canvas of the pavilion, though well made and of the finest quality, gave way to the rain as a leak formed in one corner and doused a lamp. “Drat!” Paldnor called sitting up and quickly grabbing the darkened lamp. Zelda shook her head; there were at least two more weeks of this before they even came close to Nautalin and the sound of boots on the wood planks of the carriage diverted her eyes from looking at her feet. Looking drowsy and tired, Link stepped out of the carriage. He had taken his gauntlets off and stretched as he walked into the pavilion and his eyes saw the stream of water pouring from the corner of the canvas tent.

“I believe I shall sleep in the carriage tonight.” He said as he rubbed his temples as Zelda had earlier.

“Link, are you well?” Paldnor said, seeing this and Link looked to him and then to Zelda; her look spoke volumes.

“Lord Alromon’s wine.” Link answered and Paldnor nodded. “It is not sitting well.” He added and Paldnor sat up.

“Yes, dreadful stuff indeed.” He uttered with a grunt as he brought his feet to the canvas floor and then his eyes met with the accusing look of Princess Zelda.

“I still wish to know what was going through both of your heads when you went to see him.” She said, her voice as accusing as her look as she gazed at both the old man and Link. Paldnor then looked to Zelda and his eyes, though glassy from the wine earlier, held no looks of regret.

“Princess, I had suspicions.” He said and looked to Link as he explained. “My suspicions were that our good host’s motives and with this caravan are less than honorable.” Paldnor’s voice was firm and held no hint of regret. “And now, I am certain that our host is not only less than honorable. I believe he is notorious.” Zelda raised her eyebrows as he explained it to her.

“I would like to agree with you, Master Paldnor, but I must ask. How do you know this?” Zelda asked crossing her arms as the old man smiled.

“Princess, I was a leather craftsman and tanner by trade and a storyteller at heart. I know lies, especially when they are wrapped in truths and good intentions.” He said his look of drunkenness gone. “His questions, his wine, and smoke; he will not be your ally.” Paldnor finished and now Zelda nodded.

“That is a fact that I am still coming to terms with Master Paldnor.” Zelda said giving him a weak smile and the old man’s look became quite sympathetic. “You have Link, not to mention myself, my princess.” He added and Zelda’s smiled widened.

“I am fortunate.” She said and as met eyes with both Paldnor and her guardian.

“Zelda.” Link called and Zelda stood up and stretched then straightened her modest traveling skirt of blue and white.

“If you are tired, please go to sleep, Link.” She said walking to him. “I shall be well here in the pavilion until morning.” She finished and Link nodded as Zelda leaned toward him to kiss his cheek, but her friend’s drowsiness melted away to a look of concern and she had only a moment to react. “Link?” She asked as she too started feeling a sense of dread that made she skin crawl and a loud crack of lightning sounded.

“Something is wrong.” Link whispered quietly to her.

“I feel it.” She answered and the sound of rain on canvas was broken by a horrible wailing howl that made all in the Pavilion jump with fear.

“Goddesses!” Palnor said standing as quickly as his old legs would allow. “Oh!” He grunted and Zelda went to his aid. Link disappeared for a moment and then reappeared buckling his belt with the sheathed Aria at his side.

“Zelda, take Paldnor into the carriage and lock the door.” Link said as he tightened the belt around him and as Paldnor got to his feet Zelda looked to Link.

“Link, I will not…” She started but Link was quick and firm.

“Go!” He shouted as he grabbed a lantern and lit the candle inside. Zelda was about to protest but another howl in the night silenced her before she could speak.

“Be careful.” She whispered to him and Link, with his lantern in hand, nodded quickly and went outside into the rain he barely heard the carriage door close over the downpour. The rain fell so hard the Link was almost instantly soaked through to his chain mail armor and though he had the light from the lantern all it did was gleam off the wall of rain all around him. His rain soaked clothes were already starting to give him a chill making it hard for him to concentrate he could feel the quickened heart beats of Paldnor and the princess and her maid who was in the front of the royal carriage and several paces ahead of him he could feel the combined hearts of others, undoubtedly Lord Alromon’s men. In the woods beyond, Link could feel two large heartbeats moving quickly around them, positioning for an attack. Any reluctance Link had about allying himself with the Lord Alromon’s red cloaked group of rabble had been washed away with the rain and Link quickly made his way to the group of tents that were in the distance. As he approached Link could see that several of them had already made their way out of the tents some had armor on others looked to have dressed hastily.

“Halt!” One of them called as Link got closer.

“It’s the boy!” Another called out as Link raised a hand dismissively.

“Over here, boy!” He heard and Link continued toward the group of men.

“Where is Lord Alromon?” Link called as he approached the gathered men and a young guard the one who was standing guard outside circular pavilion when Link and Paldnor had visited Lord Alromon earlier that day.

“I went to his pavilion to warn him, but his guardian stopped me.” The young guard explained.

“He be safe, then.” A voice called from the tent and as Link and the other guards looked in the direction of the voice. The tent flap opened and a red cloak with a wrinkled face and a scraggly beard came out and unlike several of his colleagues he had taken the time to fully outfit himself in armor, tunic, and his red cloak and he had his arm on his sword hilt. “You, boy, should be by the side of the Princess.” He called, pointing at Link as his figure cast a distorted shadow on the muddy ground. “This be nothing more than a pack a wolves.” He said with a snapping gesture to the forest and the gathered men seemed to relax some except Link who again concentrated and felt the two heart beats still moving around the outside of the camp. They were fast and faster than wolves and there were only two of them.

“They’re not wolves.” Link called out, looking into the darkness of the forest. “They’re Wolfos.” He finished and looked back in the direction of the royal caravan.

“Nonsense!” The bearded red cloak yelled as though Link were trying to steal the loyalty of the other red cloaks. “And even if they be Wolfos, what be the difference!” He finished, yelling to the back of Link’s head.

“Wolfos!” Link heard one of the younger men say.

“What are they?” Another asked.

“Magical creatures.” Another’s answer came.

“A wolf hunts to eat.” Link explained, not looking back feeling the heart beats of the beasts that were stalking them. “They’ll hunt in packs and eat they’re fill.” He added as another howl that was closer than before and was followed by the sound of swords being drawn from their scabbards. “Wolfos hunt to kill.” Link finished, not knowing if he was heard by the red cloaks. Link made his way back in the direction of the royal carriage as quickly as he could without running he was not ready just yet to draw the attention of the creatures. On the side of the pavilion was a canvas overhang where Link had placed Epona to keep her out of the rain as well as Paldnor’s gelding, and the look the two animals gave him as he approached told him that they knew everything that was going on. “Easy girl.” Link reassured her as he patted her head and shined the light from his lantern to the corner of the makeshift stable where Link’s saddle hung on a hook. Tied to the back of the saddle was a metal shield with a Hylian royal crest on it and Link started to work the leather knots that had not been untied in quite some time so long that the knots were very stiff and unmanageable in his wet hands. Another loud howl followed by a man’s terrified scream made Link stop working the knots and simply yank the shield free breaking the straps that held it on, it took surprisingly little effort. The two horses stirred in response to the sound and Link calmed them with his free hand. “Quiet.” He whispered and doused the lamp as he ran out into the rain, Aria sang as he drew it from its scabbard. It was darkness without the lantern as the rain battered down on him and Link concentrated and used his sense but before he could locate any heartbeats a voice cut through the darkness.

“Galiane!” Link heard a man call out into the night. “Galiane?!” He heard again the voice was frantic and Link noticed a light from a lantern and group of three red cloaks. “Galiane!” Link saw that it was the scraggly bearded man who appeared to be the leader. The three men raised their swords and were ready to strike upon the sight of Link through the heavy rain.

“It’s the boy sergeant!” One of the red cloaks called out his dark black hair soaked and lying on his shoulders and he stared at Link brushing the wet dark locks from his eyes. The sudden appearance of a strong heart beat in his senses drew Link’s attention from the group and his on Aria tightened. With his own heartbeat pounding in his chest, Link was having difficulty feeling those of the stalking Wolfos. Breathing deep, Link turned quick and in the low light from the guard’s lantern he could see the glassy eyes of the large bent backed Wolfos, its soaked mud caked fur giving off a putrid scent as it buried its clawed feet into the mud ready to strike. Bringing his shield up to his chest, Link held Aria out to his side, giving the creature a full view of the blade and it snorted in reply as white mist came from its nostrils. The attack was imminent and Link made certain that the three red cloaks were still behind him.

“Make sure the second one doesn’t flank me!” Link called to them not looking back hoping that they heeded his command. Sensing the second Wolfos just out of his vision Link watched the one in front of him a monster forged from magic and evil and made for dark purposes. It was quick in its attack, lunging for him and knocking Link back, and if it were not for his shield, the two creatures would be feasting on his innards. Two of the red cloaks forced the while the third helped Link to his feet. The older red cloak with the scraggly beard and his young underling advanced on the Wolfos slashing at it as it returned snapping its jaws at them. “No!” Link grunted, catching his breath. “No! Fall back!” He called again, but his warning came too late. The second larger Wolfos leaped from the cover of the underbrush and pounced on the younger guard, clamping its enormous jaws around his neck. Horrible sounds mixed with that of falling rain filled the air as the huge deformed Wolfos thrashed its head with its fangs dug deep into the man’s throat. The older red cloak staggered back horrified.

“Bedack!!!” He shrieked as the Wolfos ripped a mouthful of flesh from his victim’s as his body quivered and his blood soaked into the muddy earth. The smaller Wolfos snarled at Link and the two remaining red cloaks as its companion feasted on the red cloak named Bedack. Prying his eyes from the bloody scene, Link raised Aria to a high guard and brought his shield at the ready, this time he could see both creatures; he would force them to strike.

“To arms! To arms!” The second of the red cloaks called, running back to the camps, the smaller Wolfos attempted to follow, but Link blocked its path causing the larger to abandon its gruesome meal. The smaller creature slowly crept towards Link as its companion licked its bloody chops. The mud that caked Link’s jerkin added to the fowl smell produced by the monsters as the faced each other for the second attack. The older red cloak backed away lowering his sword.

“We can make it to the camp if we run.” He called to Link who did not take his eyes off the Wolfos.

“Then run!” He answered as the smaller Wolfos pounced on Link again much as it had in their first encounter, but this time Link was better prepared and Aria’s song was loud and triumphant as it pierced the creature’s soaked pelt. Black as pitch blood dripped from Aria’s blade as the beast staggered; Link’s blow had gravely injured it and the same bloody ooze ran from a gash in its side as it stopped moving and then dissipated into a foul miasma. The larger Wolfos howled at the defeat of its companion as it slowly walked towards Link with its large teeth bared. Matching the creature step for step Link kept the tip of Aria’s blade fixed on the magical beast. Most creatures would abandon the hunt and seek easier prey, but the Wolfos was a killer not a hunter, and Link knew that this fight would end, when one of them was dead. Link’s senses told him that the red cloak had indeed run back to the camp and now the only heartbeats Link felt were the Wolfos and his own heavy pulse. The Wolfos snapped its jaws at Link, who backed away quick and answered with a slash that was dodged and for a moment to Link the deadly fight seemed more like an elaborate dance. Several more exchanges would take place before Link managed to advance on the beast and it circled him still baring its fangs. Link could feel several heartbeats quickly approaching; he suspected the bearded red cloak was returning with several of his comrades to collect their fallen friend and take revenge on his killer.

“It be over here!” He heard the familiar voice yell and the sound of booted feet running through mud was getting louder. Another loud howl silenced them and Link lowered Aria slowly in an attempt to lure the beast into attacking him.

“Come on!” Link yelled at it getting a misty snarl as an answer but the creature kept its distance. “Come on!” He yelled again, this time hurling his shield at it causing the Wolfos to jump back to avoid being struck. “I’m here!” He called again bringing his now free hand to grasp the Aria’s hilt with both hands and again took a high guard stance. The sound of men running through mud was again heard and with another loud and menacing howl the Wolfos quickly lunged at Link who was ready and stepped out of the way of the attack and brought his sword down on it. Aria sang again and Link felt the blade cut through the beast’s mangy pelt and its spine break as it tried to move, managing a few labored breaths before it went limp and dissipated into putrid black mist leaving a red rupee behind. Link bent down to pick up the rupee; the foul mist burned his nostrils and when he looked up he saw the silhouettes of the red cloaks approaching with their swords drawn.

“Bedack!” One of them yelled and Link saw some of them run to aid the dead man.

“The other beast!?” The bearded red cloak called to Link, who threw the red rupee to him.

“For your troubles.” Link answered as he walked passed him. “I thank you for your help.” He added, not looking back and making his way to the royal pavilion still grasping Aria. The rain continued to fall as though it would never end and in a few long moments, Link was walking through the tent flap of the large canvas structure. There were now two leaks in the canvas skin of the pavilion and the water streamed through soaking the cushions covering the floor. Link slowly sheathed Aria, not wiping the black ooze from the blade as he started to shiver his soaked clothes and the armor felt heavy as he unbuckled his sword belt and let it fall to the floor with a low clang. Link sat heavily in a padded chair as the thoughts of what had happened filled his head; the feelings were familiar and Link felt a heartbeat coming closer from the carriage. The door opened and the small staircase unfolded and Link saw the old face of Paldnor look at him. “It is alright.” He said quietly and the old man nodded.

“Aye.” He uttered and stepped out of the carriage followed by Princess Zelda, who immediately came to him.

“I heard screams.” She said, looking in his eyes. “How many?” She asked; there was raggedness in her voice.

“Two.” He answered blankly and Zelda closed her eyes.

“Goddesses grant them peace.” Zelda said, looking to the canvas floor.

“Free from their pain and strife.” Link continued as he took Zelda’s hand.

“For all time.” Paldnor finished the psalm of passing for them and then looked to Link. “It is best you get out of those wet clothes Link, or else you’ll catch a fever.” Paldnor said stepping into the carriage. “I’ll bring you some dry clothes and I’ll have the maid make tea.” He added but Zelda cut in.

“No! I’ll make it.” She said, not looking to Paldnor.

“Aye?” He answered confused and went about his task. Zelda looked to Link and saw that he was avoiding her gaze.

“Did you.” She asked and Link closed his eyes.

“I did.” He answered and Zelda’s face grew grim.

“Are you certain?” Zelda asked, causing Link to look at her.

“Aren’t you.” He said it was not a question and she nodded in acknowledgement. “But I feel him no longer.” Link added and he could feel Zelda’s tense heartbeat ease slightly.

Siam walked slowly around the inside of the circular pavilion, his two curved swords drawn and ready to strike. The howling and screaming outside had made him weary. He was doing his duties as best he could, but despite his abilities he could not protect his lord from what was going on inside his body. Lord Alromon had fallen silent some time ago, shortly driving a fine pointed dagger through a drop of blood into his arm.

“Siam.” He heard Lord Alromon call and Siam looked to the man sitting in the chair; he had gone pale and was drenched in sweat. The small dagger loudly hit the ground as Lord Alromon held his hand over the bleeding wound in his arm. “Wine!” He called and Siam sheathed his swords and filled a clay cup with the thick liquid and handed it to Lord Alromon, who drained it in one pull. “Magnificent.” He uttered, weakly not referring to the wine.

“My lord?” Siam asked, looking to Lord Alromon.

“Siam, all of it, what the queen said is true.” He said with ragged labored breaths. “The boy, the Princess, Ganondorf…they’re the holders.” He said, handing Siam the cup again who filled it and handed it back. “I’ve seen the past, what is and what would have been.” He finished drinking from the cup. “Have the men bring food.” Lord Alromon said drinking again. “We also have a new problem.” He said and Siam looked to him.

“What would that be my lord?” Siam asked as his serpent eyes looked to Lord Alromon.

“The boy is formidable. He handled the beasts I sent rather well.” Lord Alromon admitted to Siam’s surprise.

“My lord… It was you?” He uttered.

“It was and it was Ganondorf’s blood that allowed me to do it.” Lord Alromon admitted. “The timeless realm, can you get there again?” He asked his guardian who nodded.

“I can.” He answered and Lord Alromon gave him a weak smile.

“Good. It will be of great use.” He finished as he started wrapping a fine cloth bandage around his wounded arm.

Comments on this chapter

blackphoenix365 says:

awesome man

Otaku Bunni says:

Rock on! This is really good stuff!! Keep up the awesomeness^^